Interesting and Humour - page 3123

Alexandr Saprykin:

Than to live in a country and criticise it.

Well, there's no need to twist things around. First of all, point your finger at the place where you think something is blasphemed. Secondly, what kind of logic do you have: the natural desire of man to have his life and the life of his country be better than it is, you call ostracism. If you called my statement that our cars are the best, it means that you personally do not think so. So, according to you, the hell with it, let everything remain as it is. And I personally want everything to develop, so that everything I have written about would eventually become reality. Do you think worrying about the fate of your country is so bad? Then the question for you is why do YOU hate your country so much that you don't want it to get better?
Dmitry Fedoseev:

In the US, the president does not have unlimited power. In the UK, the Queen has very limited power, and the King of Thailand has no power at all.

And the "broads of the families" are what?

The United States was a colony of England, and still is, in England the Queen has the last word, if she says something, it must be done. That the monarchy has no power is an illusion, so that they won't be crowned one day.
Andrey Dik:

Regardless of what I have done for my country, I never allow myself to make such remarks about my homeland.

But you have a long list, is there anything in this list that is of any use to the country from you?

And you were rightly told that if you don't like the country, leave it, if you don't want to leave it, make it a better place. When the roof leaks in the house, it is up to the owner to fix the roof, not to show contempt for his house.

Your example about the roof (which is leaking) is in the context of what started the conversation:

Yusuf, instead of silently fixing the rotten roof, climbed up on it and started shouting to the whole village that his leaky roof was no worse than other roofs. When I wrote that his roof is the best (all my life it has been called the word "satire"), a comrade called it denigration, and you generally equated a rotten roof with the motherland. You are some kind of Russophobe. I personally have never mentioned the word "Motherland" anywhere. What is the purpose of your lies?


I absolutely agree with you. After all, we have the best electronics and microprocessor technology in the world (Sony, Samsung, and all the rest are nervously crouching on the sidelines). The entire range of computer equipment - from smartphones and tablets to server stations - is made exclusively with domestic components and only in our country.

We have the most developed car industry in the world (Mersedes, Toyota and the rest are just choking on tears of envy), the presidents of all countries drive only a Kalina.

And health care? Millions of people from all over the world have been standing in line for years, not wanting to be treated in their own countries, just to get into our clinics. And this is despite the fact that all our hospitals are equipped with the best medical equipment in the world.

And science? There are as many inventions, technologies and know-how as we have in all the countries put together. We are leaders in the number of patent applications. As many new drugs as are developed in our country every year, nowhere else.

And the aviation industry? There is probably no-one in the world today who remembers names like Boeing or Airbus.

Millions of traders all over the world are afraid to make a move until they hear about the number of new jobs in our non-agricultural sector. The whole world is simply in a stupor the week before our Central Bank Governor's speech. And the moment she gets on the podium and says the word "Hello", the volatility of all financial instruments goes off the charts, underscoring the importance of what she has said to the world.

And the national currency? The exchange rate has not changed for decades, which allows the citizens to plan their future with confidence and gives them absolute confidence in the future, because the prices for all goods here also do not change for decades.

The list goes on and on. But you know it all better than I do. Why have you written so little? Write more, expand the topic from top to bottom, share your happiness with all of us, don't forget to write to whom we owe all this happiness, and let our hearts be filled with immense pride.

This is an omission from the mid-90s. I think Russia will catch up quickly in terms of new developments, if the economy does not throw a spanner in the works
Well, there's no need to twist things around. First of all, point the finger at the place where you think something is blasphemed. Secondly, what is your logic: the natural desire of man to have his life and the life of his country better than it is, you call denigration. If you call my statement that our cars are the best, it means that you personally do not think so. So, according to you, the hell with it, let everything remain as it is. And I personally want everything to develop, so that everything I have written about would eventually become reality. Do you think worrying about the fate of your country is so bad? Then the question for you is why do YOU hate your country so much that you don't want it to get better?

There aren't enough fingers to poke at those places. The whole text.

My personal opinion (I'm not imposing it on anyone) is that you're not worried, you're just criticising your homeland.

If you don't like something in your country - make it better, fix it, instead of writing sarcastic texts and accusing someone or asking: Who is to blame? What to do? Who in Russia lives well?

For everything that happens/isn't happening in life, you need only take responsibility for yourself.

Alexey Busygin:
It is a failure of the mid-90s. I think Russia will catch up quickly in terms of new developments, if the economy doesn't get in the way.

I think you have seen old Soviet films about the war and you can roughly imagine what happened to the country in 1945. Huge loss of life, cities in ruins, all infrastructure destroyed, millions of people with nowhere to live and nothing to eat. It took less than 15 years, and hundreds of research institutes, design bureaus and laboratories were created in the country, world-class scientific schools were created. Just think: EVERY 15 years after the terrible war, the country was the first in the world to launch a man into space.

PS. In the city where I live there used to be at least a dozen research institutes. The last one was closed a couple of months ago, though I know its director personally - a good man, I can confirm that he held on till the end. And you say "it will catch up fast". Who will catch up?

PS. Any way you slice it, even in the 1990s the country was not in ruins, transport was working, planes were flying, trains were running and shops were running. The current government will be 17 years old in August.


Amazing. The non-patriots are worried that the research institutes are closing down. And patriots say that everything is fine and according to plan - we will catch up and catch up, and in general - temporary difficulties.
Alexandr Saprykin:

There aren't enough fingers to poke at those places. The whole text.

My personal opinion (I'm not imposing it on anyone) is that you're not worried, you're just criticising your homeland.

If you don't like something in your country - make it better, fix it, instead of writing sarcastic texts and accusing someone or asking: Who is to blame? What to do? Who in Russia lives well?

For everything that happens/isn't happening in life, you need only take responsibility for yourself.

<There aren't enough fingers to poke in those places> And apart from blah-blah, can you write anything? What, no fingers left? Then what do you write with? Maybe then poke it in my text, especially where I wrote the word 'Motherland'? Or are you good for nothing else but

Now, pay attention, the correct answer is: people need jobs. That is why enterprises are needed. To build at least one factory means at least several tens of millions of dollars. Neither you nor I have that kind of money, no. The fact that you wrote "not satisfied in your country - do better" will not make the plant grow. It makes no difference whether you take responsibility or not.

I read somewhere not so long ago that investment in our country has fallen, I think, 46 times. I could be wrong, but the order of figures is somewhere around that. I personally think this is very bad. <You should only take responsibility for everything that happens/isn't happening in life.> Those are your words. Are you prepared to take responsibility for a fall in investment? You wrote "FOR EVERYTHING". Or did you?


"Boeing has demonstrated the capabilities of the Dreamliner.

Ahead of the Farnborough International Airshow in the UK, the Boeing Aircraft Company has published a demonstration video on the Boeing 787-9,
the company's latest and most advanced passenger aircraft, dubbed the Dreamliner - the plane of dreams.
The airliner is easy to manoeuvre in the air, including sharp turns with changing wing geometry. The pilot easily steers the huge machine through tight turns.
The Boeing 787 was the company's first passenger aircraft to make extensive use of composite materials in its design.
Japan was the Dreamliner's first customer, and as of June 2016, 38 airlines worldwide had ordered 571 Dreamliners.

Boeing 787-9 specifications:
Length: 62.8m.
Height: 16.9 m.
Wing span: 60.1 m.
Wing area: 325 sq.m.
Empty weight: 115000 kg.
Cruising speed: 913km/h.
Top speed: 954km/h.
Height Height: 13100 m.
Flying range: 15700 km.
Engines: 2 Rolls Royce Trent-1000 or General Electric GEnx-1B (320 kN )
: 2 people.
Number of passenger seats in three classes:
First Class - 16 seats.
Business class - 50 seats.
Economy class - 214 seats
Total: 280 seats.
Cost - $264.6 million.