Interesting and Humour - page 3109

Pavel Gotkevitch:

Furkhouses from Russia go through Belarus. Imports into Russia go through Belarus.
No, I'm not implying anything, but one gets the feeling that Alexander Grigorievich was behind the Maidan in Kiev. :-)


Although, before Maidan, the main export and import also went through Belarus, but still, it's genius...

Pavel Gotkevitch:

Furkhouses from Russia go through Belarus. Imports into Russia go through Belarus.
No, I'm not implying anything, but one gets the feeling that Alexander Grigorievich was behind the Maidan in Kiev. :-)

And meetings to solve this problem are taking place at Batska's place.
Pavel Gotkevitch:

Firms from Russia go through Belarus. Imports into Russia go through Belarus.
No, I'm not implying anything, but one gets the feeling that Alexander Grigorievich was behind the Maidan in Kiev. :-)

Pavel Gotkevitch:

Фуры из России идут через Беларусь. Импорт в Россию идет через Беларусь.
Нет, я ни на что не намекаю, но создается ощущение, что за Майданом в Киеве стоял Александр Григорьевич. :-)



Although before Maidan, the main export and import also went through Belarus, but still - genius...

Alexandr Murzin: Yes, there are meetings on the solution of this problem with Batska.

But it seems that something does not suit him, and therefore there are endless and very regular meetings,

- they take place very regularly, but there are no results,

- and there's no money, so we have to hang in there and take care of our health.

And someone does not have enough money for cello, so we have to tighten our belts.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

But it seems that something does not suit Alexander Grigorievich, and that is why there are endless and very regular meetings,

- they take place very regularly, but there are no results,

- I don't have any money either, so I have to hang in there and take care of my health.

And someone does not have enough money for cello, so we have to tighten our belts.

Well, Alexander Grigorievich simply should not have bought cheap oil and gas from the Russian Federation all these years, telling myths about brotherly love and a union state, and not to push this oil and gas to Europe at a speculative price and at the same time building a kind of quasi-communism in the RB with the proceeds and showering business with cries about "speculators".

They should have been building a market economy after all.

But as soon as the free market closed and prices fell in Europe, quasi-communism burst at the seams.





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