Interesting and Humour - page 3027

an equation with nines by Stephen Strogatz


The equation for general relativity from Albert Einstein


all sorts of nonsense is brought into the thread by the moderator,

and deletes it to his taste.

It's a shame the days of the "teddy bear" are over.


An aerial view of a construction site in China's Guangxi province. © Photo: Zuma/TASS

An aerial view of a construction site in Guangxi province, China

Sergey Petruk:

all sorts of nonsense is brought into the thread by the moderator,

and deletes it to his taste.

It's a shame the days of the "teddy bear" are over.

Stalin is not on them!
Sergey Petruk:

all sorts of nonsense is brought into the thread by the moderator,

and deletes it as he sees fit.

It's a shame the days of the "teddy bear" are over.

I replied in my profile.
Tomorrow is International Freelancer's Day. I hope you don't spend it here publicly as Airborne Day :)
Sergey Golubev:
I replied in my profile.

Don't be so worried. All comrades are different by taste and colour, and you can't be good to everyone, especially not to moderators. So just ban the offender and that's it. :)

And if they keep yelling, turn off the gas again and ban them.

Andrey Dik:
Don't be so worried. All comrades are different by taste and colour, and you can't be good to everyone, especially not to moderators. So just ban the offender and that's it. :)
They know that I do not ban coders (I care more about the popularity of the resource than who said what about me), so they take advantage ... Or maybe they just do not know how to properly PR ...
That's it, I'm off to my English ...

I'll be here tomorrow for your Freelancer's Day holiday.

Sergey Golubev:
They know I don't ban coders (I care more about the popularity of the resource than who said what about me), so they take advantage ... Or maybe they just do not know how to properly PR ...
That's it, I'm off to my English ...

I'll be here tomorrow for your Freelancer's Day celebration.

taboo on coders' bans? - throw out these prehistoric prejudices.

quitting is a sign of weakness. taboos are a sign of fear. holidays are an excuse to drink.

So don't quit, don't taboo, and don't drink. You're the moderator. :)