Interesting and Humour - page 2969

Yuriy Asaulenko:
There is a very big difference. Especially if the quotes are mine and the money is yours.

The quotes are given by the DC, and the orders are matched between clients.

And if you are implying that the kitchens do not execute your orders at all, but only send you information that they did (simply lie), then go straight to clearing to see if your orders have been executed.

Nikolay Demko:

We are two bank clients, we have been lumped into one transaction because I open for buy and you open for sell.

What difference does it make whether we are in the same DC or in different ones. The latter is market entry, the former is internal matchmaking.

I presume that nobody ever took you to the market (I mean Forex). There is a big difference. The market is controlled, the VC is not. And it cannot be, in principle. DeC = canteen. On the market there is no such a thing as a broker. There is no broker on the market.
Nikolay Demko:

The quotes are given by the DC, and the bids are matched between clients.

And if you are implying that the kitchens do not execute your orders at all, but only send you information that they did (simply lie), then go straight to the clearing to check whether your orders were executed.

I'm not insinuating, I'm stating it.

This cannot be because you can never (c) 1 lot - 100 thousand base currency and it is not sold by installments. Only the whole lot.

Your relationship with DC has nothing to do with the market. Neither does mine, of course.



Don't twist it, that's not the only thing the man wrote to you about, that's one thing. There are plenty of machinations out there. And even that would be fine, thick-skinned and experienced clients even manage to survive. If they paid out honestly.

As everyone who works in Forex knows how the kitchens work against the trader.

They do not ask to justify their actions. You may get banned for ever... 2.

1. No it's not.

2. this is not one of the...

3. that there is a lot of shenanigans, I know. I know how the quotes are braked before the stops and take-ins, and I also know that after braking, if the price leaves the stop, the slippage is inevitable, "the market was so fast at that moment", and if the price went just over the take-ins and returned, it means that it was never there... I know that too, that's why I didn't read any further, I only replied to part of the statement.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The bank trades in shares !

as a customer i can buy one share at the cash desk

BANK never buys one share on the stock exchange - only packages


so what? that the lot is 100K

by the way i can buy 1$ at the bank and even in theory i have the right to buy 1 cent in the same way ! so what ?

and how do you think it happens ?

Only it has nothing to do with the market, the particular forex market or the particular MOEX it has nothing to do with. These are the trades of the bank itself.

Let's call it that - playing the market with the bank. :)


we are actually in the humour thread :-)


But the most interesting and incomprehensible of all this is HOW the Central Bank will determine who is allowed to enter the forex market and who is not!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Actually we are in the Humour :-) --)

But the most interesting and incomprehensible part of all this is HOW the Central Bank will determine who will be allowed into forex and who will not!

Read books. They sow the sensible, the good, the eternal. Everything has already been described. Even in private.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Read books. They sow the reasonable, the good, the eternal. Everything has already been described. Even in private.
Not everyone can see in private. I want to, too).
Yuriy Zaytsev:

The bank always has a certain amount within which it can operate

Once again, since you didn't read it the first time. The bank will not bother with small clients and take them to the forex market. The bank will set up a new subsidiary to which it will franchise its name. The daughter will buy a licence, and then how she will make a profit is her own business. It may be honest, it may be the kitchen sink.

But the bank's name doesn't guarantee you won't run into a kitchen.

Not everyone can see it in person.

Okay. :)

I'm reading a book now - "Atlas Shrugged". The book is a bit naive - first edition - 47, but nevertheless it's very interesting.

All answers are given there already. Although, you know them yourself and maybe even see. You can find them on the internet. Do not be confused with the introductory excerpts. The book has 3 volumes of ~ 600 pages each.

I would be grateful if anyone decides to read and share an opinion.