Interesting and Humour - page 2968

Yuriy Zaytsev:

If this goes through.

there will be less interest in the near-forex environment - I mean those who earn not by trading but by dealing.

Profits of brokerage companies + MetaQuotes + freelance developers + all who work in this environment will fall sharply

And it's very interesting the minimum bar - who gets in

Maybe those who make more than a million rubles on their 2NDFL, maybe two or three?

How will they sort citizens for admission?

I wonder if it will be possible to invest in PAMM only after sorting? - Well, apparently yes - they will not let them in either.


Isthe forex market only dependent on Russia? The brokerage companies are already offshore, so are the meta-quotes, not to mention the coders. Who will lose what dramatically. The sheep's share of the market will simply become less and that is all. Russian meat, that is.

Although I do not dispute, for our people the competition is enormous in overseas territories, for someone else's sheep one must fight by someone else's rules. But here, even in a fair fight, the quality is still below the plinth. Whatever you take, it is easier to smuggle ready-made stuff from here to there and make money on it here.


Isthe forex market only dependent on Russia? The brokerage companies are already overseas, so are the meta-quotes, not to mention the coders. Who will lose what dramatically. The sheep's share of the market will simply become smaller and that is all. Russian meat, that is.

Although I do not dispute, for our people the competition is enormous in overseas territories, for someone else's sheep one must fight by someone else's rules. But here, even in a fair fight, the quality is still below the plinth. Whatever you take, it is easier to smuggle ready-made stuff from here to there, and make money on it here.

For now I think that Forex is not a market, but like roulette with brokerage companies on the quotes. For small players at least. However, I also believe that everyone can have their own opinion about it. And the care of the state is completely unnecessary here.

Rather, the reason for such concern is to lobby for the domestic market, which is already nothing. In terms of trading volumes, it has fallen by at least half in a couple of years. Maybe more.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The scenario may well be different!

One of the scenarios is that all the KITCHENS will shut down and the banks will take over.

This is not a bad thing, because everyone who works in the forex market has long been well aware of how the kitchens work against the trader

The bank - in the main - does not care whether the client makes a profit or a loss - the bank earns on commissions !

The bank cannot simply NOT take out money on the real market, otherwise they will withdraw their licence :-)


Is it bad if this shit is gone

Two hands for what you write. But it is impossible.

You are wrong. Unfortunately for me. Forex cannot be a market for a small player. Small is up to $100k.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Maybe - I'm writing a possible scenario

There is no allegation.

This is the naive scenario of someone who knows nothing about the real forex market. Forex is the inter-bank market, how much is 1 lot? 100,000 units of the base currency. And it is not sold in parts.

So less - only DCs and no brokers.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

In general, I still believe that Forex is not a market, but a kind of roulette set up by the DCs on the quotes. For small players at least. However, I also believe that everyone can have their own opinion about it. And the concern of the state is completely unnecessary here.

Rather, the reason for such concern is to lobby the domestic market, which is already nothing. In terms of trading volumes, it has fallen by at least half in a couple of years. Maybe more.

Who knows. The feeling is that the country is going for changes "on the contrary". That is, not the imposition of order by iron will and hand, planting of strict control and other measures that are expected from the tops. Such approaches will not lead to a dead end in the end. Namely by overturning the minds not of the top but of the bottom. Reaching the grassroots, so that the sense of "control" of officials by the tops disappears. To create an environment where this need would be reduced by itself. The top flight is to do this in a state of the highest competition and pressure with the countries that are superior in technology and economy.
Yuriy Asaulenko:

In general I still believe that forex is not a market, but a kind of roulette set up by the DCs on the quotes. For small players at least. However, I also believe that everyone can have their own opinion about it. And the care of the state is completely unnecessary here.

Rather, the reason for such care is lobbying for the domestic market, which is already nothing. In terms of trading volume, it has fallen by at least half in a couple of years. Maybe more.

Again. What is the point of such lobbying in terms of what if most of it is kitchens and low depot roulette players. What volumes they will give when they move to our commodity markets (these roulette players with dc deposits).

More concern and truth about the common lottery players. Not only do they ruin themselves, but this ruined money does not go to the treasury.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

The scenario may well be different!

One of the scenarios is that all the STores will be closed and the banks will take over their functions.

This is not a bad thing, because everyone who works in forex has known for a long time how the kitchens work against the trader.

how they do not withdraw funds internally and even overlap in other kitchens...

You know, I did not even want to read further. Just imagine yourself as a brokerage company owner and you receive two orders simultaneously, one Sell by lot 1 and another Buy also by lot 1.

I'll guess from the first time that you will not withdraw these transactions somewhere on the "interbank" but will simply close them inside your company and take all the profits for yourself. But if someone does it, for some reason you think it's a "kitchen". And what is the difference with who you close your deal, with the one who puts the opposite deal in the same company or in some other only when your deals merge at the liquidity provider?

Alexey Viktorov:

You know, I don't even want to read any further. Just imagine yourself in the place of a brokerage company owner and you get two orders at the same time, one Sell by lot 1 and another Buy also by lot 1.

I would guess from the first that you would not take these trades somewhere on the "interbank" but would simply block them within your company and grab all the profit for yourself. But if someone does it, for some reason you think it's a "kitchen". And what is the difference with who you close your deal, with the one who puts the opposite deal in the same company or in some other only when your deals merge at the liquidity provider?

A resident?

Don't twist it, that's not all what the man wrote to you, that's one of them. There's plenty of shenanigans out there.Not market quotes BOA-GA-GA. And even that would be fine, thick-skinned and experienced clients even manage to survive as it is. If they paid out honestly.

Everyone who is in forex knows very well how the kitchens work against the trader.

They do not ask to justify their actions. You may get banned for ever.

The subject of, one of them, comes to mind.

The last five words of the second post are particularly hilarious.

Откуда берутся не рыночные котировки? ) (Александр) - MQL4 форум
Откуда берутся не рыночные котировки? ) (Александр) - MQL4 форум
Откуда берутся не рыночные котировки? ) (Александр) - MQL4 форум
Nikolay Demko: Otherwise the bank can also be a kitchen. But overlapping between DC clients (matchmaking) is not a sign of a kitchen. After all, the DC is the one who takes over the function of finding the counterparty to your order. And what difference does it make whether the counterparty is inside or outside the brokerage company?
It makes a big difference. Especially if the quotes are mine and the money is yours.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
There is a very big difference. Especially if the quotes are mine and the money is yours.

We are two bank clients, we have been lumped into one transaction because I open for buy and you open for sell.

What difference does it make whether we are in the same DC or in different ones? The latter is market entry, the former is internal matching.