Interesting and Humour - page 2947

Lilita Bogachkova:
Why was the order from Tallinn obeyed immediately in Soviet times?

Stalin summons Gorky.

-Maksim Alekseyevich, you once wrote the novel Mother. Times have changed, isn't it time to think about the novel Father?

- You know, Comrade Stalin, I'm very busy at the Writers' Union at the moment, I'm preparing for the publication of the book "The Great Recasting". I will of course try to find the time.

- Try, Maxim Alekseyevich, try. It's not a torture to try. Right, Comrade Beria?


After the holidays, two mates meet up.

- Hi, why are you so frowny with a black eye?

- I got in a fight over the woman I love.

- Whoa! Who with?

- My wife.


Calling mother at work, USSR, 1970s

I have to have the courage to tell the cat that he lives with me and not me with him.


On 1 April, many grey-haired but joyful people came out of Comrade Stalin's office.


Remember, a good joke is one after which you don't get caught up!)

Alexander Voronkov:

I don't know if it's from contact here or contact here)

just looked at the same thing there )