Interesting and Humour - page 2945

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I visited the other day too. Different songs are sung there, different articles are written. And the grass seems to be greener. :)

I even stole one software at ....... С#.

This is a kind of "It's good where we are not" kind of thing.

Alexandr Saprykin:

It's like, "Is it good where we're not?

That their music is different and their songs are different is a medical fact. :) You didn't know that?
Yuriy Asaulenko:
that their music is different and their songs are different - that's a medical fact. :) You didn't know?

The sandwiches at Mac are different...

Мы рискуем, глядя на других
Мы рискуем, глядя на других
  • 2016.03.23
  • Редакция журнала Наука и жизнь
Наблюдая, как кто-то другой поступает рискованно, мы тоже готовы пойти на риск, даже если плохо представляем, к чему это может привести. Пословица «с кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься» не так уж далека от истины – мы действительно склонны подстраиваться под других, и в социальной психологии уже накопилось множество исследований, описывающих...
One also came to a famous professor
and said he wanted to learn MQLs and program the market.
- Do you know English? - The professor asked.
- No.
- And Russian?
- No.
- Did you learn ABC's as a child?
- No, Teacher.) But don't worry. I graduated from the philosophy department
Berkeley and just finished my dissertation on logic in Socratic philosophy.
And now, to fill in the gaps in my knowledge, I want to
to learn a little MQL.
- You're not ready to learn MQLs,' said the professor. - It's the most profound book
of all the books written by humans.) But if you insist, I'll give you a logic test.
If you can do it, I'll study with you.
The young man agreed and the professor continued.
- Two people go down the chimney. One comes out with a clean face,
the other with a dirty face. Which one of them will go to wash up?
The young philosopher's eyes widened.
- Is this a test of logic?!
The professor nodded.
- Well, of course, the one with the dirty face!
- Wrong. Think logically: he who has a dirty face will look at
the one with a clean face and he'll think his face is clean too. And the one
the one with a clean face will look at the one with a dirty face and think that he himself
...and he'll go and wash his face.
- Clever! - The guest was delighted. - Come on, give me another
another test!
- All right, young man. Two men go down the chimney. One comes out with
with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one of them is going to wash up?
- But we've already established - the one with the clean face!
- Wrong. Both of them will wash their faces. Think about it logically: the one with
...will look at the one who has a dirty face and think that his...
his face is dirty too. And the one who has a dirty face will see that the other one went
and he'll see that his face is dirty and he'll go and wash his face too.
- I didn't think of that! Amazingly, I made a logical error.
Let's do another test.
- All right. Two people go down the chimney. One comes out with a clean
and the other with a dirty face. Which one of them is going to wash up?
- Well: Both go to wash up.
- Wrong. Neither of them is going to wash. Think logically:
The one with the dirty face will look at the one with the clean face and won't
and won't wash his face. And the one with a clean face will see that the one with
...will see that his face is clean and won't go to wash either.
he won't go and wash his face.
The young man is desperate.
- Believe me, I can program! Ask me something else!
- All right. Two men are coming down the chimney:
- Oh, my God! Neither of them are going to wash up!!!
- Wrong. Now you're convinced that knowing Socratic logic
isn't enough to teach the Marketplace? Tell me, how is it possible that
two people go down the same pipe and one of them gets his face dirty
face and the other didn't?! Don't you understand? This whole question
nonsense, and if you spend your life answering nonsensical
questions, where will the price go, then all your answers will also be meaningless
Alexander Antoshkin:
One also came to a famous professor
and said he wanted to learn MQLs and program the market.
- Do you know English? - The professor asked.
- No.
- And Russian?
- No.
- Did you learn ABC as a child?
- No, Teacher.) But don't worry. I graduated from the Philosophy Department
Berkeley, and I just finished my dissertation on logic in Socratic philosophy.
And now, to fill in the gaps in my knowledge, I want to
to learn a little MQL.
- You're not ready to learn MQLs,' said the professor. - It's the most profound book
of all the books written by humans.) But if you insist, I'll give you a logic test.
I'll give you a logic test: if you can do it, I'll study with you.
The young man agreed and the professor continued.
- Two people go down the chimney. One comes out with a clean face,
the other with a dirty face. Which one of them will go to wash up?
The young philosopher's eyes widened.
- Is this a test of logic?!
The professor nodded.
- Well, of course, the one with the dirty face!
- Wrong. Think logically: he who has a dirty face will look at
the one with a clean face and he'll think his face is clean too. And the one
the one with a clean face will look at the one with a dirty face and think that he himself
...and he'll go and wash his face.
- Clever! - The guest was delighted. - Come on, give me another
another test!
- All right, young man. Two men go down the chimney. One comes out with
with a clean face, the other with a dirty face. Which one of them is going to wash up?
- But we've already established - the one with the clean face!
- Wrong. Both of them will wash their faces. Think about it logically: the one with
...will look at the one who has a dirty face and think that his...
his face is dirty too. And the one who has a dirty face will see that the other one went
and he'll see that his face is dirty and he'll go and wash his face too.
- I didn't think of that! Amazingly, I made a logical error.
Let's do another test.
- All right. Two people go down the chimney. One comes out with a clean
and the other with a dirty face. Which one of them is going to wash up?
- Well: Both go to wash up.
- Wrong. Neither of them is going to wash. Think logically:
The one with the dirty face will look at the one with the clean face and won't
and won't wash his face. And the one with a clean face will see that the one with
...will see that his face is clean and won't go to wash either.
he won't go and wash his face.
The young man is desperate.
- Believe me, I can program! Ask me something else!
- All right. Two men are coming down the chimney:
- Oh, my God! Neither of them are going to wash up!!!
- Wrong. Now you're convinced that knowing Socratic logic
isn't enough to teach the Marketplace? Tell me, how is it possible that
two people go down the same pipe and one of them gets his face dirty
face and the other didn't?! Don't you understand? This whole question
nonsense, and if you spend your life answering nonsensical
questions, where will the price go, then all your answers will also be meaningless

A Jewish fairy tale: "Imagine"

Alexander Antoshkin:
One also went to a famous professor
and said he wanted to learn MQLs and program the market.
- Do you know English? - The professor asked.
- No.
- And Russian?
- No.
- Did you learn ABC's as a child?
- No, Teacher.) But don't worry. I graduated in philosophy.
A well-known hercicle told a story.

Two experienced traders he knows opened at the same time, but in different directions.
After a while it turned out that one had lost $10k on this trade and the other had lost $15k.
Vladimir Tkach:
The well-known Herczyk told one story.

Two experienced traders he knows opened at the same time, but in different directions.
After some time it turned out that one had lost $10k on this trade and the other had lost $15k.

It would be more interesting if:

Two experienced traders with whom he knows opened at the same time but in different directions.

After a while it turned out that both of them had won quite well.

The most interesting thing about this story is that such cases are quite real.

Vladimir Tkach:
Well-known to all Herczyk told a story.

Two experienced traders he knows opened at the same time, but in different directions.
After a while it turned out that one had lost $10k on this trade and the other had lost $15k.
Hence the conclusion "news" is not a toy for traders.


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Сегодня Google бесплатно раздаёт пакет для редактирования фото стоимостью 149 долларов
  • Дмитрий Горчаков
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