Interesting and Humour - page 2942

lilita bogachkova:
How could he only get them if he can't get rid of them???
What difference does it make how?) A couple of months ago it was possible to change it through some banks, but since many banks have closed lately, it's all .....
Server Muradasilov:
The difference does not matter how.) If it makes no difference), a couple of months ago you could change it through some banks, but as many banks have closed lately, it's ......

Well, maybe the numismatists will buy it all up.)

Alexandr Saprykin:

Well, maybe the numismatists will buy it all up.)

There aren't that many numismatists :)

All the topic is closed, the issue is resolved, thank you all.


I may have just noticed, but there's a new scam going viral on Facebook: "Giveaway for a repost".

and they're reposting.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I may have only recently noticed, but a new scam is gaining momentum: "Giveaway for a repost".

and they're reposting.

Well, communities/groups need to be promoted somehow.)


The "Affordable Housing for Young Families" programme


Demotrader's idol