Interesting and Humour - page 2897


How do I stop getting offers to upgrade to windows 10?

Sorry if it's a bojang.

Here's a more professional solution:

To get rid of the Windows 10 backup reminder in the taskbar:

1) launch Windows Update Center;

2) select "View Update Log" to see all the updates you have installed;

3) look for update KB3035583, which installs the Get Windows 10 app, and uninstall it;

4) reboot.

Additionally, if you don't want telemetry (spyware) and update to Windows 10, uninstall as well:

KB971033- Update for Windows activation technology

KB2952664 - Compatibility update for upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10

KB2990214 - Enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10

KB3021917 - Update to improve telemetry quality and diagnostics

KB3050265 - Enhancement to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10

KB3065987 - Windows Update client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: July 2015

KB3068708 - Update to improve telemetry quality and diagnostics

KB3075249 - Update adds telemetry points

KB3075851 - Windows Update Center client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: August 2015

KB3080149 - Update to improve telemetry quality and diagnostics

KB3083324 - Windows Update Center Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: September 2015

KB3083710 - Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: October 2015


An advert for weight loss has come to my attention.

Just one squirt will take away
of hunger and will give you
a slimmer figure!

I met the guys today for a beer, two hours later, a childhood friend said - remember the kettlebells that used to be 32 kg, and they cost 10 kopecks each now. I almost choked on my beer snack. I will begin to explain to him that this is pure fraud - someone creates a stir, makes people believe in the value of this weight, people are beginning to seek them for the purpose of resale, and someone later sells these kettlebells to resellers for five kopecks. But it was not there, he started telling me about some rare-earth metal impurities, that they are present in cast iron. I spent two hours arguing with him - to no avail, I was laughing :)
Для чего скупают гири с клеймом СССР, ТЗ,Серп и молот, Тула от 300 и до 5000$?
  • drugtaysona
Теперь уже можно, пишите фамилию правильно - Исаак Цингер. добавлено Гири тех времен изготавливали из чугуна имеющего большие примеси палладия. Тогда просто не ценили этот металл. Так же как и шлак от доменного производства содержит много редкоземельных металлов. Именно...
Wasn't palladium worth anything in Soviet times and didn't know where to apply it)))
Server Muradasilov:
Is it possible that palladium was not worth anything during Soviet times and they did not know where to apply it?)

There in the top posts it's about pre-revolutionary kettlebells.

/// Oh man, I linked to a separate post and it doesn't lead to the place in the discussion thread that talks about pre-revolutionary weights.

Here is the correct link:

The history of the USSR is quite long, and it's likely that the industries that needed palladium didn't emerge immediately. Extraction/refining technologies had to emerge too.

UPD: Collection of kettlebells from Poltava:

Jewish weight, hehe)))

Igor Konyashin:

There in the top posts we are talking about pre-revolutionary weights.

The history of the USSR is quite long, and it is very likely that those industries that needed palladium did not emerge at once. Extraction/refining technologies also had to emerge.

Now digging, trying to find a graph of the price of palladium for all time )))) . Yesterday, Russian Sberbank for the gram given 1137.00 rubles, sold for 300 rubles more (clean). If I look at how much palladium there should be in a 32 kg weight - so that everyone could profit, including those who will extract it from the cast iron (given that buyers give them ten koseches per weight).

Палладий: цена за 1 грамм на сегодня, курс онлайн, котировки в Сбербанке на ОМС в 2016 году
Палладий: цена за 1 грамм на сегодня, курс онлайн, котировки в Сбербанке на ОМС в 2016 году
Цена палладия за 1 грамм в рублях на сегодня представлена на картинке ниже. Официальный курс этого металла ежедневно устанавливается Центральным Банком России и публикуется на сайте банка. Основным игроком на рынке этого драгоценного металла является Сбербанк России. Курс палладия в этом банке напрямую зависит от стоимости металла...
Впервые в истории метеорит убил человека — National Geographic Россия
Впервые в истории метеорит убил человека — National Geographic Россия
Инцидент произошел 6 февраля. После проверки фактов министерство штата Тамилнад выпустило официальное сообщение, подтвердив необычную причину смерти местного жителя. От падения метеорита погиб водитель автобуса, возвращавшийся домой пешком. Помимо того, были разбиты окна близлежащих зданий и транспортных средств, и еще три человека получили...