Interesting and Humour - page 2738

There was stock trading with proportional positions, then came mt with each position separately. then came mt5 and neither here nor there... hilariously.... i got it wrong. originally, in the classic, when you were closing a position, the open price was recalculated and you could create a minimum lot position far beyond the historical highs and lows.... while in Five, such a trick will not work (God forbid, no one should get caught when trading) .... the level stays in one place, when you reduce the position, it sort of bites off the existing position a bit.... but the best part is that now it is impossible to hold two profitable positions - even in two accounts...
Facebook is doing great, yesterday and the day before, passed the 1,000,000 hits per day mark, and here they are...raising suckers.... I say we put out a buyout... no visits for a week... or it's not a democracy...

And may the GEP come down on Monday :-))))))))))))))))))

TR at +8% deposit level

I wonder - how much will the "broker" close on Monday :-)))

Cut Usyotaki........

# Stop politics

Post the beautiful concerts you have, no matter what language you use. Here's to friendship between peoples and widening of horizons!

A Japanese trader who doesn't read financial news has made $34m in just 24 hours.

An anonymous Japanese trader, working under the nickname CIS, made around $34 million overnight on the collapse of Asian stock markets, Siliconrus writes.

The trader does not read financial news, but works according to his own methodology, based on analysis of exchange rates, plus trusts his own intuition.

Back on 12 August 2015, CIS noticed an unusual dynamic, a trend in the Japanese stock market: the market had not recovered from the previous session's sell-off in securities and contracts. The result was that the stock market index began to fall.
The trader decided to sell 200 short futures contracts at once, and sold a further 1300 short futures contracts the following week. CIS did not read any financial news, and did not analyse the impact of the situation in China or oil prices on trading, but followed the only rule - sell everything that others are also selling.
Once the volume of short futures sold by other stockbrokers was exceeded, CIS started selling its own futures as well. Note that the term "short futures" refers to the expectation of profit if the value of the contract declines. The profit in such trades is conditional upon selling the contract at the current, high price and buying the same contract at a lower price. The risks involved in "short futures" are high, but the profits can also be very high.
On 21 August 2015, the NIkkei exchange continued to show a decline and CIS continued to trade. This time the trader did not buy and sell futures but went against the trend. As soon as panic broke out on the exchange, CIS started buying contracts at the minimum price.
At the end of just one day CIS was able to earn about $34 million. However, the preparation for this day took about two weeks. To prove the validity of his words CIS showed Bloomberg copies of its transactions for the aforementioned period of time.