Interesting and Humour - page 2680

The French restaurant Le Petit Chef has come up with an ingenious way to entertain guests while they wait to order -

using projectors under the ceiling and animation, a little chef appears on the table and cooks right on your plate. And at the same time, he makes you relax.


From the second minute onwards, it's better to watch


I wish I could invent a rocket that never explodes.


Metaeditor now on android

Timur Gatin:

Metaeditor now on android

Congratulations on joining the ranks of TeamViewer adepts
Vitalie Postolache:
Congratulations on joining the ranks of TeamViewer adepts
You guessed it wrong :) It's rdp
Timur Gatin:
You didn't get it right :) It's rdp.
Even if it's RAdmin, the meaning is the same ))))
Vitalie Postolache:
I don't care if it's RAdmin, the point is the same )))
Nope, with RDP you can have several people on one computer at the same time.
Timur Gatin:
Nope, with RDP you can have several people on one computer at the same time.
So with TeamWire via conference too )
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Anatoli Kazharski:

I wish we could come up with a rocket that never explodes.

I absolutely agree with you.

After all, since 2000 and only in the two leading space countries - Russia and the USA - there have been 34 accidental space launches and 2 accidental test launches:

Russia - 26; USA - 8 and 2 test launches. Here are the statistics:

Russia USA
2000 12.03 Zenit-3SL 2001 21.09 Taurus 2110
2000 20.11 Cosmos-3M 2004 21.12 Delta-4H D4-4
2000 27.12 Cyclone-3 2006 24.03 Falcon 1: 1st test launch
2002 15.10 Soyuz-U 2007 21.03 Falcon 1: 2nd test launch
2002 25.11 Proton-K/DM-2M 2007 15.06 Atlas-5
2004 24.12 Cyclone-3 2008 03.08 Falcon 1
2005 21.06 Lightning M 2009 24.02 Taurus 3110
2005 21.06 Wave 2011 04.03 Taurus 3110
2005 08.10 Horn 2014 28.10 Wallops/MARS
2006 28.02 Proton-M/Briz-M 2015 28.06 Falcon 9
2006 26.07 Dnipro
2007 30.01 Zenit-3SL
2007 05.09 Proton-M/Briz-M
2008 14.03 Proton-M/Breeze-M
2009 21.05 Soyuz-2.1a
2010 05.12 Proton-M/DM-3
2011 01.02 Rokot
2011 17.08 Proton-M/Briz-M
2011 24.08 Soyuz-U
2011 23.12 Soyuz-2.1b
2012 06.08 Proton-M/Briz-M
2013 01.02 Zenit-3SL
2013 02.07 Proton-M/DM-3
2014 15.05 Proton-M/Briz-M
2015 28.04 Soyuz-2.1a
2015 16.05 Proton-M/Briz-M