Interesting and Humour - page 2530


"Wow", how much is in that sound, for the Russian heart, how much is in it echoed (from what has not been written)


"Wow", how much is in that sound, for the Russian heart, how much is in it echoed (from what has not been written)

Vishnevsky (his real surname was Gekht when he was 18) and Zhvanetsky are our contemporaries (unlike Pushkin for example) and I do not remember them exalting anything in this sense, like Pushkin for example...

"Wow", how much is in that sound, for the Russian heart, how much is in it echoed (from what has not been written)

Got it:)
You got it from Vishnevsky...
More of that kind of humour.


There are four days left until the new year.

There are four days left until the new year.

Got it:)
You got the Vishnevsky...

Yes, it's an impromptu.

My wife walks up and says something, I stare into the monitor with my intellect, notice an awkward pause, frantically think of something to say, say the sacred "Wow" and she goes off to do the housework.


Well, that's definitely in the humour :) that's it, I don't watch eurovision anymore))))

Кончита Вурст будет вести «Евровидение-2015»
Кончита Вурст будет вести «Евровидение-2015»
  • 2014.12.27
  • «Газета.Ru»
Австриец Том Нойвирт, выступающий в образе Кончиты Вурст, будет вести «Евровидение-2015», сообщает Cromosomax. Вместе с ним полуфинал и церемонию финала будут вести еще три ведущие. Они будут осуществлять репортаж из «зеленой комнаты», где...

Yes, it's an impromptu.

My wife comes over and says something, I stare at the monitor with my intellect, notice an awkward pause, frantically think of something to answer, say the sacred "Wow" and she goes off to do the housework.


and also, for most cases, it's "this and that!"

I do!
Виртуальная реальность в финансовом менеджменте
Виртуальная реальность в финансовом менеджменте
  • 2014.12.26
Финансовый менеджмент обычно предполагает использование графиков и диаграмм, насыщенных информацией. Но и в эту сферу проникает виртуальная реальность. Один из американских инвестиционных фондов Fidelity Investments запустил проект Stock City, скриншоты которого напоминают скорее кадры из фантастических фильмов. Виртуальный город Stock City...
I do!
Interesting idea, but it seems that it would be inconvenient to remember the height of the building (and there is a whole city of them) to understand how much the price went down, it's a damn perfect visual memory must be