Interesting and Humour - page 2384

What's the use? Will Pushkin train such a grid?

I don't know. I was counting on you personally. :)

I think we can only guess at what interfaces are glued to this chip. So far there has only been an off-demonstration in operation.

Maybe there'll be some description of the device soon. Then we'll know how to teach and use it. It's good to see the "right device" coming along. :)

Here is another link on this topic (on the fourth forum):

There's a paragraph like this at the end:

Add that IBM's new "thinking chip" is part of an ecosystem unveiled by IBM in August 2013. Among other things, this ecosystem includes a programming model for neural architecture.

IBM заявила о прорыве в создании «мыслящих чипов» с полностью новой архитектурой - InternetUA
IBM создала «мыслящий чип» беспрецедентного масштаба, содержащий 1 млн «нейронов» и 256 млн «синапсов». Ученые указывают на значительное превосходство нового чипа над современными полупроводниковыми компонентами в плане энергопотребления и считают, что однажды такие процессоры найдут широкое применение в дата-центрах. Корпорация IBM сообщила...
"Да, я вижу 3D". Американцы приняли подделку на Android за iPhone 6
"Да, я вижу 3D". Американцы приняли подделку на Android за iPhone 6
  • 2014.08.11
МОСКВА, 11 авг — РИА Новости. Ведущий YouTube-канала TLD Джонатан Моррисон решил проверить, так ли сильно фанаты Apple отвергают Android. Для этого он взял телефон Goophone i6 на платформе Android, внешне напоминающий iPhone, и поместил его в коробку с логотипом Apple. Моррисон демонстрировал ничего не подозревающим прохожим якобы новый...

I don't know. I was counting on you personally. :)

I think we can only guess at what interfaces are glued to this chip so far. So far there has only been an off-demonstration in operation.

Maybe there'll be some description of the device soon. Then we'll know how to teach and use it. It's good to see the "right device" coming along. :)

Here is another link on this topic (on the fourth forum):

There's a paragraph like this at the end:

Add that IBM's new "thinking chip" is part of an ecosystem unveiled by IBM in August 2013. Among other things, this ecosystem includes a neural architecture programming model.

It's written all over the place google handles like chinese

+ search maybe you'll get something else out of it.


The cat went into the burning house five times to carry each of her babies

A friend told me that when she was a little girl, she asked her mum where the hollow between her nose and her lips came from. Her mum told her that an angel had put his finger on her lips and it had left such a mark. My mother told me that the hollow was there for the snot to flow into my mouth.

The other day my husband, sitting in the kitchen peeling potatoes, was reading Brodsky's poetry to me. I was fixing the electric kettle at the same time. We love each other.

Mum works in the city administration and brings home unnecessary papers for the cat's toilet. So Murzyk shits all government programs and the entire Council of Deputies. So.

Got fired from work yesterday, was able to go out all day today with my daughter. This is the happiest and happiest day of my life I've had in a long time.

My name is Sasha. My boyfriend's name is Sasha. My grandfather's name is Sasha. My aunt's name is Sasha, my aunt has a son named Sasha, and my son has a son named Sasha. When I have a child, I'll name him Vasya. I'm sick of it.

I was on the train, and the man on the next row was snoring like hell, keeping me awake. He pissed me off, so I kicked him. Kind of shut him up. Some time later he started again - I kicked him again, harder this time. He was snoring. I opened my eye and he was looking at me. And then I realise that the woman on the shelf below is snoring.

I was on the bus this morning, I was thinking, and when I got off at my stop, I automatically said to everybody: "Goodbye." Then I realised I was being silly, slowed down at the door and turned around and said: "Oh, well, goodbye." You should have seen them all jumping out after me.
Странные и прекрасные вещи происходят с каждым из нас ежедневно, и иногда об этом просто невозможно молчать. Поэтому cуществует даже специальный проект, который помогает людям анонимно делиться своими откровениями. Истории встречаются разные, радостные и грустные, злые и добрые. Но вдохновили рассказы о том, что сделало жизнь их...

The cat went into the burning house five times to carry each of her babies

It ended sadly when the cat fell ill, the owner put her to sleep.

Veterinarians are like that.

Instead of protecting an animal's life to the end, they think for some reason about the comfort of its owners.

At least in Moscow, most veterinarians are like that.

Euthanasia is always the first thing they suggest. Be careful and do not be fooled. They know how to trick for this service.