Interesting and Humour - page 2377

"Not Vine" Женщины
"Not Vine" Женщины
Подпишись на мой канал и увидишь еще больше "Not Vine and Fun" буду рад
there is no such video in the link provided, there isn't.
there is no such video on the link provided, there isn't.
go to the bottom one - that's why I posted it that way, it's a bug
Фратрия — Как попасть на футбол в Казани одетой
© / zemlyanika Как многие уже знают, перед матчем возникли проблемы с досмотром у девушек. Их заставляли раздеваться, в том числе требовали снять нижнее бельё. Далее приводим историю девушки, кому мы доверяем и информация эта 100%-ная! Я призываю всех девушек, которых принуждали раздеваться, нарушив их конституционные права...
Под колпаком: какие технологии помогают сохранить приватность
Под колпаком: какие технологии помогают сохранить приватность
Одежда всегда играла важную роль в защите нашей частной жизни. Но сегодня она может сделать еще больше. На хакерской конференции Hope X дизайнер Бекки Стерн из компании Adafruit провела беглый тур по «носимым технологиям», которые препятствует попыткам посторонних вторгнуться в ваше личное физическое и виртуальное пространство. Эта современная...

It's a slippery little article. You wouldn't know right away that it's no big deal. "Police officer" is all over the place, and only so much in between, "Dismissed. - She said to me." So it was a woman who did the search, so it's no big deal. Probably the main person in the article is ugly, that's why she's so shy.

Is that why you brought that article? You think you'd rather blow yourself up than go through security?


It's a slippery little article. You wouldn't know right away that it's no big deal. "Police officer" is all over the place, and only so much in between, "Dismissed. - She said to me." So it was a woman who did the search, so it's no big deal. Probably the main person in the article is ugly, that's why she's so shy.

Is that why you brought that article? You think you'd rather get blown up than go through security?

He's imagining himself as a policeman.)

It's a slippery little article. You wouldn't know right away that it's no big deal. "Police officer" is all over the place, and only so much in between, "Dismissed. - She said to me." So it was a woman who did the search, so it's no big deal. Probably the main character of the article is ugly, that's why she's so scared.

Is that why you brought that article? You think you'd rather get blown up than go through security?

I don't think I'd go to a football game if it was like that, that's all.

And I've never understood the "love of sport" that draws girls to football.


I don't think I'd go to a football match in that kind of scenario, that's all.

And, I've certainly never understood the "love of sport" that draws girls to football.

The same love that draws boys to competitive women's tennis. Healthy, strong, handsome guys in the active movement phase.


The same love that draws the boys to women's tennis competitions. Healthy, strong, handsome boys in the active movement phase.

Yeah, well, what do you... The girls are going to show themselves!