Interesting and Humour - page 2355

Томские ученые разработали памперсы из мха
Томские ученые разработали памперсы из мха
Преимущества нового материала – экологичность и высокая впитывающая способность
You're getting closer to Napoleon, little by little... Smoke some more creativity.
The Russian law for incitement to smoking is 3 to 5 years of an aggravated execution followed by hanging by quartering.

The distance from the Earth to the Moon on a scale. Feel how important you are!

But for incitement to smoke, Russian law provides three to five years' aggravated execution, followed by quartering by hanging. Ay-yi-yi.
Don't get me started on the scandal. Why are you hurting my country?
Continued by renowned blogger, celebrity photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Krasnoyarsk

Full post here.


From Kemerovo to Krasnoyarsk

"... The famous "10 ruble bridge" depicted on the corresponding banknote. At the time of its construction, the Communal Bridge was the longest road bridge in Asia." :

read the full post here.

Old age is approaching and the Lexus is still missing.

If something has been deleted, it can be searched for in the search engine cache.

How to search google cache

In order to retrieve a version of a page from google cache, the following code should be inserted in front of the address of the desired page


Watches with magnifying glasses instead of hands


Why the "clockwise" direction and not the other way round?

Before mechanical clocks were invented, people mainly used sundials. In its simplest form, the sundial was a gnomon - a pole buried in the ground, the sun's shadow of which indicated the current time. The path of this shadow became the basis for the path of the hands in mechanical clocks - which is why we consider the clockwise direction to be from above to right rather than from above to left. However, in addition to horizontally positioned sundials, vertical sundials have also been encountered, for example on a wall. In this position, the shadow moves, as we would now say, counterclockwise. Sometimes mechanical watchmakers have followed this principle, and the most famous example of a clock that moves 'counterclockwise' is the chimes on the cathedral in Münster, Germany.