Interesting and Humour - page 2320


Where are most footballs produced in the world?

80% of all footballs in the world are made in Pakistan, with three-quarters of them in the city of Siyalkot. A significant number of these balls are made using child labour, although this problem has been addressed in recent years.


When and where was there a football match in which the score was 2-2 and one player scored all the goals?

On 20 March 1976, Aston Villa's Chris Nicholl scored two goals each against Leicester City, both against the opposition and in his own goal. The match ended 2-2.


Who and when did he score three goals in one match?

Belgian footballer Stan van den Bijs scored a record 3 goals in the 1995-96 national championship match between Germinal Eckeren and Anderlecht. "Anderlecht won 3-2 without scoring once themselves.


Anexpensive computer gaming workstation, but it's truly amazing.Judge for yourself: it has three synchronised 19" monitors that can be set at any convenient height, a built-in 5.1 sound system with subwoofer, the most comfortable leather chair with heating and cooling (activated depending on room temperature) and automatically adjustable angle; there is also a built-in LED backlight and air purification system. The entire structure will automatically rotate according to the light in order to avoid glare on the screen. What else is there to say... Give a gamer such a chair, put it near the fridge and he will never leave it :). Of course, it costs a lot of money. The company wants $40,000 for it.

For him.

For her.


A family is travelling in a car. The baby is in the back seat:

- Mama! Mama! Look, a river!
- Mama! Mama! Look: a cow!
- Mama! Mama! Look: a steam train!
- Daddy! Daddy! Look: a blonde!



TheZumanjaro is the tallest rollercoaster in the world. The height of the ride is a staggering 126 metres, almost twice the height of the Statue of Liberty! Thefree-fall speed,for those wishing to ride in the wind, is 206 kilometres per hour.


Why is a rollercoaster called a Russian rollercoaster?

In French and many other languages, roller coasters are called "Russian slides" because the prototype of this attraction was born in Russia. As far back as the 15th century our ancestors had built slides made of ice and reinforced with wooden poles. As for where the sleigh was first put on roller wheels, there are two versions: some historians say it happened in the gardens of Oranienbaum on the order of Catherine II, according to others, their first appearance happened in Paris in 1812.


"Verruckt" , or 'crazy' in our language. This is the name of a water slide in the American city of Kansas City, which was recently recognized as the tallest water slide in the world.As you can imagine, the recognition was official, as stated in the Guinness Book of World Records. The Verruckt is 51.38 metres high. That's higher than the Statue of Liberty or Niagara Falls, by the way. To reach the top of the hill you have to climb no less than 264 stairs. To pass the 'test', foursome of heroes are recruited and together they hurtle through the water at speeds of up to 110km/h.