Interesting and Humour - page 2311


What kind of coffee is made by digesting the fruit of the coffee tree with Asian animals?

One of the world's most expensive coffee varieties, Kopi Luwak, is produced by small animals called Asian palm civets. They eat the ripe fruit of the coffee tree, digest the pulp which surrounds the coffee bean, and excrete "pips" - coffee beans which are then collected by humans, washed and dried in the sun. The special flavour of Kopi Luwak is due to the properties of the civets' gastric juice, which contains cibetin.


Where is the power plant powered by coffee grounds?

Kraft Foods uses a power plant powered by coffee grounds as part of the process at its Banbury factory in England.


Who tried to find out the comparative harm of tea and coffee on test twins?

King Gustav III of Sweden once decided to personally test whether tea or coffee was more harmful to humans. For this purpose he selected two twins who were sentenced to death. The first was given a large cup of tea three times a day, the second a cup of coffee. The king himself did not live to see the end of the experiment, having been murdered. The twins lived a long life, but the first to die at the age of 83 was the tea drinker.

Continued from renowned blogger, celebrity photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Kurgan and Tyumen

Full post here.


Kurgan and Tyumen

"We were in Kurgan at a gallop and did not have enough time to see the city. To tell the truth, after our first impressions we had no particular desire: either Yandex led us through ruins on purpose, or the whole Kurgan is ruined. A couple of times we saw torn-up streets without any signs of work and repairs, just potholes.

But we liked Tyumen, I wanted to see the oil capital of Russia for a long time. There is no doubt that it is one of the best and most comfortable cities, located on the first letter "C" of our route. It feels as if the entire centre has been demolished and rebuilt. Locals say the town used to be so-so, but today, with the development of oil production and refining, the city has transformed. According to statistical studies, the Tyumen region ranks second among all Russian regions in terms of income, education and longevity, second only to Moscow... "

"One of the city's trademarks is the cable-stayed bridge over the Tura River, called the Bridge of Lovers. It was built in 1987 to replace a wooden bridge that collapsed five years earlier" :

"Without further ado. Who can decipher?" :

"A youth co-working centre called My Territory. Here you can come and work on your computer, discuss your ideas and find "accomplices". The project is supported by the city administration so young people won't sit around with a beer on the quay":

Read the full post here.


"As it has been going on from time immemorial.

And in life happens all the time,

It sneaks up on you when you don't expect it,

When you don't expect it at all."

И. Irteniev

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