Interesting and Humour - page 2310

China's army.
Traffic lights in the fog.
Индекс Dow Jones превысил 17 000 пунктов впервые в истории
Индекс Dow Jones превысил 17 000 пунктов впервые в истории
  • 2014.03.07
  • Мари Месропян
Индекс Dow Jones превысил 17 000 пунктов впервые в истории. К 17.47 мск09.47 по Нью-Йорку) Dow Jones Industrial Average рос на 0,4% до 17 044 пунктов. К этому времени Nasdaq прибавил 0,36% до 4473 пунктов, S&P 500 — 0,25% до 1979 пунктов. Рост индексов объясняется позитивными данными по рынку труда США. Сегодня министерство труда США сообщило...

A beautiful landing in Hong Kong


The right seat on the plane is the key to a good trip :) Enjoy your flight, friends!

New ruble
-I stuck my feet out the window and this biker started tickling them.

US GDP fall in the first quarter was the steepest in five years

The US economy shrank 2.9% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2014.

This is stated in materials on the website of the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the US Department of Commerce.

The fall was the first since January-March 2011 and the most significant since early 2009.

Then, at the height of the recession GDP fell by 5.9%. Early indications were that GDP should have fallen by only 1% in the first quarter.

The resulting revision to the worse figure was the biggest since 1976, when records began to be made. Analysts polled by Bloomberg had forecast that the US economy would shrink by only 1.8% in January-March 2014.

Experts' estimates of GDP decline ranged between 0.5 and 2.4%.

By comparison, the US economy grew by 2.6% in the previous reporting period - the last quarter of 2013.


What is the fundamental difference between growing black tea and green tea?

Black tea and green tea are not different plants, but the same tea bush leaves. The difference in colour and taste is due to how long the tea leaves oxidise in the air before drying. Green tea leaves do not oxidise at all or oxidise very little, whereas black tea ferments for a fortnight to a month.


How was the tea bag invented?

The tea bag was invented by an American, Thomas Sullivan, in 1904 by accident. He decided to send tea to customers in silk bags instead of the traditional tin cans. However, customers thought they were being offered a new way to brew tea directly in these bags, and found it very convenient.