Interesting and Humour - page 2261

LaPoochka :-)
Путин выпустил на волю осиротевших тигрят, подготовленных в заказнике к жизни на природе
Путин выпустил на волю осиротевших тигрят, подготовленных в заказнике к жизни на природе
ЖЕЛУНДИНСКИЙ ЗАКАЗНИК /Амурская область/, 22 мая. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Президент РФ Владимир Путин, который находится с рабочей поездкой в Амурской области, принял участие в одном из мероприятий программы изучения и сохранения амурского тигра. Глава государства выпустил на волю тигрят, которых в заказнике подготовили к самостоятельной жизни в условиях...
There you go.
Как добывают алмазы. Компания «АЛРОСА». Мирнинский и Нюрбинский ГОК.
Как добывают алмазы. Компания «АЛРОСА». Мирнинский и Нюрбинский ГОК.
Алмазы образовались более 300 млн. лет назад. Кимберлитовая магма сформировалась на глубине 20-25 км. Магма постепенно поднималась по разломам в земной коре, и когда верхние слои уже не могли сдерживать давление горных пород, происходил взрыв. Первую такую трубку обнаружили в ЮАР в г. Кимберли — оттуда и пошло название. В середине 50-х годов...


Putin let the orphaned tiger cubs out into the wild

How would they have survived without Putin? Huh? And us?

How lucky we are to have Putin


PrivatBank wins first place at Finovate Spring 2014 in Silicon Valley

Privat introduced a Topless ATM (without a screen) that can be operated using a smartphone or Google glass.

The Google Glass app allows you to withdraw money from an ATM with just a glance. Local journalists described the presentation as one of the top five in the conference's seven-year history.

The Google Glass app allows you to withdraw money from an ATM with one glance. Local journalists have named the presentation as one of the top 5 in the conference's seven-year history.


How did they do it without Putin?

The only thing that embarrasses me is the security question. How reliable is the connection to the user's voice. Otherwise he whistles his glasses and goes to ATMs.)


I'm just confused about security. How secure is the link to the user's voice. Otherwise you can go to ATMs with your glasses.)

An id chip is inserted in the eye.


A Google Glass app allows you to withdraw money from an ATM with just a glance. Local journalists have called the presentation one of the top 5 in the entire

The only thing I'm worried about is security. How secure is the connection to the user's voice. Otherwise you go to ATMs after swiping your glasses.)

It doesn't work that way. The glasses are linked to a smartphone.
You put an ID chip in your eye.

Fuck them with that identification.

let them put it in and stick it wherever they want... wherever they want.

It doesn't work that way. The glasses are linked to the smartphone.

Yeah, and you have to put the phone in your ear.

No, you don't.


Yeah, and you have to put the phone in your ear.

No, you don't.

Nope. Smartphone's in my pocket.

Fuck them with that identification.

let them stick it in and stick it wherever they want... wherever they want...

It's the United States of America. The bulwark of goodness, like you said. Their plan is to stick a chip in your ... wherever they want. ))