Interesting and Humour - page 2208


Misha, is this the same situation for you? )))

Here's the solution. Looks like Microsoft Security Essentials is to blame.

Uninstall it and the service (it won't uninstall itself after uninstalling Microsoft Security Essentials)

UPD: here's another one - instant solution:

Fix it in the registry:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Antimalware\Signature Updates] "ExpiryNotificationIntervalDays"=dword:ffffffff

Registry modification file attached. Only run it as administrator.

Files:  1 kb
in everything
Install seven and don't bother. ;)

I have XP 32 glitches too. The only thing that helps is rebooting.

But I haven't changed the system in 3 years. Lazy...

Программа защиты системы Shadow Defender
Программа защиты системы Shadow Defender
  • 2014.04.24
Программа для защиты конфиденциальности пользователя и операционной системы в целом. Shadow Defender позволяет отменить любые вредоносные, пользовательские или иные действия, произошедшие в операционной системе, простой перезагрузкой компьютера. Программа позволяет сохранять конфиденциальность работы за компьютером в интернете, с документами или какими-либо программами. Например, если произошло злонамеренное заражение операционной системы вирусами или по недосмотру пользователя были удалены ...

Check the drive for badblocks.

Defragment it.


Misha, is this the same situation you're in? )))

Nah, something else.

The computers aren't networked.

And the providers are different.

I'm the one with the problem, so we have to look for a common factor.)


No, something else.

The computers are not networked

Read the links I gave you, it's not about the network.
Read the links I gave you, it's not about the network.

I get it.

I just added that I'm not online.

Something else.



Either I'm crazy or something's wrong.)

HP support is discontinued and the latest update is installed.

All computers ( 6 ) are getting slower . All of them on XP.

Of course everything is excluded that can be excluded at my level such as viruses, etc. I do not know what is lagging. Processors are not overloaded, the RAM is not overloaded.

No one has not slowed down yet? After the end of "support" from the Windows?

Maybe they are stimulating the transition.)

Microsoft can love or not love, but it can not afford such insidiousness. Even the update that determines whether the system is pirated or not - and had to be installed manually.

About lags - the problem could be with the update: or a system or flash player.
Microsoft may or may not like it, but it can't afford such insidiousness. Even the update that determines whether the system is pirated or not - and had to be installed manually.

About the brakes - the problem could be with an update: either the system or the flash player.
Yeah, it's definitely my fault.


Килограммовые монеты с барельефом Путина :: NoNaMe
Килограммовые монеты с барельефом Путина :: NoNaMe
В честь присоединения Крыма к России мастерская художественного оружия "Арт-Грани" уже приступила к выпуску серии памятных монет весом 1 килограмм и размером с ладонь. Коллекция "Крым-2014" будет состоять из 25 серебряных и позолоченных монет. Оружейная мастерская из Златоуста (Челябинская область) приступила к изготовлению памятных монет...