Interesting and Humour - page 2186

Are we having "one-actor theatre" today?
others are late.
1. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's

Sold paper cups until he was 52


10. Andrea Bocelli, singer

Until the age of 33 played the piano in bars

Completely blind at the age of 12, all his life he dreamed of becoming an opera singer. For this he went to Turin, where he studied vocals with a famous tenor, earning money for lessons in the evenings by playing the piano in various groups.

11. Ang Lee, filmmaker

Until I was 36, unemployed.

He studied filmmaking in the USA and directed a couple of successful student films. But he got nowhere and was unemployed for six years. It wasn't until 1990 (and Lee was already 36) that his scripts won a competition and he began his directorial career with Crouching Tiger, Hulk, Brokeback Mountain and Life of Pi.

Pretty stories like this are a joy, of course. But they always leave out the thousands of "Henry Fords," "Colonel Sanders" and "Harrison Fords" who didn't make it. And the reason for their failures is not always the fault of their actions. The more you read the biographies of successful people, the more you realise the importance of simple luck.
Such sympathetic stories are, of course, a joy. But unfortunately they always leave out the thousands of "Henry Fords", "Colonel Sanders" and "Harrison Fords" who did not succeed. And the reason for their failures is not always the fault of their actions. The more you read the biographies of successful people, the more you realise the importance of simple luck.
That is for sure. And very often, lucky people talk about it, too. That is, that they just got lucky. But you still have to try. ;)

Don't wait forbetter times - there can only be one better time .It's called 'now'.

Marcus Cato, a Roman senator, learned Greek at the age of 80.

Socrates only learned to play many musical instruments at the age of 70 and managed to master this art to perfection.

Michelangelo painted his most important pictures at the age of 80.

Goethe finished his "Faust" at the age of 80.

The German historian Leopold Ranke completed his "World History" at the age of 91.

Isaac Newton at the age of 85 was engaged in tireless activity.

Leo Tolstoy at 83 managed the field with a scythe so that young shepherds could not keep up with him. The grey-haired author of War and Peace in those "venerable years" was skating, riding a bicycle, riding a horse and squatting on one leg ("pistolistol) more than 40 times!

The famous Soviet composer and conductor Igor Stravinsky worked until he was 88.

Bernard Shaw worked until he was 94.

The ancient Greek playwright Sophocles worked until he was 90.

Academician Ivan Pavlov worked until he was 87.

Victor Hugo worked until the age of 83.

The poet Beranger worked until the age of 77.

The philosophers Diogenes and Democritus and the painter Titian were active past the age of 80.

By the way, not long ago, American scientists, together with their European counterparts, have made a sensational discovery:
It turns out that the human brain develops not until 25-30 years, as previously thought, but until 50 years. Moreover, if a person continues to engage in active thought activity, there is almost no ageing of the brain!

Renowned psychiatrist Daniel Eyman: "There is no such thing as 'old age', only wrong psychological attitudes. Don't believe everything you hear - even if it's coming from your own head. All the biggest barriers and obstacles in our lives are within us. Break them down! Our soul, our inner strengths are ageless. As long as we are alive, we still have a chance to rise higher - to take at least one more height on our spiritual ascent."

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Good night (it's a signpost to that beer bar)