Interesting and Humour - page 2069

Машины откажутся ехать, если учуют запах алкоголя - РБК daily
Машины откажутся ехать, если учуют запах алкоголя - РБК daily
Американское Национальное управление по безопасности дорожного движения (NHTSA) решило всерьез взяться за борьбу с пьяными водителями. Они предлагают ввести в базовое оснащение машин систему контроля за состоянием водителя, препятствующую  управлению машиной в состоянии алкогольного опьянения. Проект уже поддержали 15 крупных производителей...


"That's how he sees the truth:"

Everyone is a stamp collector.
К олимпиаде выпущено 10 000 книжек-раскрасок с агитацией "ГЕЙ ОКЕЙ"
К олимпиаде выпущено 10 000 книжек-раскрасок с агитацией "ГЕЙ ОКЕЙ"
Что нас ждёт во время олимпиады в Сочи, к чему готовиться... к соревнованиям или к ГЕЙ агитации наших детей... Активисты ЛГБТ намереваются бесплатно раздать российским детям во время Олимпиады.

I think children now know more than we did at their age. So these books are mainly aimed at our officials in the hope that they (along with the media) will start making a lot of noise, as if to PR that American firm and make it world famous.


By the way, I don't drink coffee with milk. Where's the book? We (who don't drink coffee with milk), by the way, are discriminated against in some shops and cafes - they don't have black coffee, they only have 3-in-a-bag.


By the way, I don't drink coffee with milk. Where's the book? We (who don't drink coffee with milk), by the way, in some shops and cafes they discriminate - they don't have black coffee, they only have 3-in-1 packets.

Usually, after the word 'by the way' they say something that is completely out of place. :)

I don't know where you find cafes that don't serve coffee. I haven't seen any for a long time.


I just wanted to say that it's the same level of 'problem' - not drinking coffee with milk, and that book ...

I, for example, like to sleep on my left side ... and I've always been told that it's not good or even healthy (because the heart is on the left) ... Do I have to walk down the street with a placard now? Life was in agony - I slept on the left side and was always told that I had to sleep on the right ...

no one will finance "coffee", no one will give money for "left side" ...

Why are technical projects harder to get off the ground than social projects?


All the countries of the world live by their own laws, and only Russia lives by proverbs and proverbs.

//from the bash


Google, you can't do that.