Interesting and Humour - page 2067

Give me something else!)))
nothing handy, but there's a great threadat

Too late. You can't post until you've made up your mind.

I think these problems are for original thinking:

1)2 2 2 2=9


9 invert and get 6, the condition did not say about it.

this is just my opinion.))


Or so))))))))))))))


Or so))))))))))))))


I didn't go to this thread, I found it on the internet )))))))))))


- a section of mathematics, all the objects of study of which are deliberately simplified to the level of a spherical horse in a vacuum. However, so that schoolchildren (at least, excellent students) don't fly aeroplanes and throw papers in geometry class, as they do in OBZH, this science was so complicated by scientists that geometrical analysis of simplified objects became much more complicated than usual analysis of un-simplified objects.


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 # 9

The last digit is an inequality sign. All signs stand between the digits.


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 # 9

The last digit is an inequality sign. All signs stand between the digits.

I don't understand you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!