Interesting and Humour - page 2034



(photo by Sergei Dol - not him in the photo) ... an interesting allegory - it's as if someone is making signals (drinking beer) and at the same time flubbing (p*ssing) there too :

"Октоберфест" и свобода !
"Октоберфест" и свобода !
  • 2013.10.25
  • photografistka
Ох это сладкое, или нет, не так… Ох Это пьяное слово«ОКТОБЕРФЕСТ»! Вообще сам фестиваль- это нечто! Я даже не ожидала такого размаха и качества проведения мероприятия! Зрелешно, безопасно, эмоционально! Простите за большое количество восклицательных знаков и прилагательных))) Кругом люди в костюмах и в улыбках. Карусели, качели...


Путин отметил самобытный талант скульптора Зураба Церетели
Путин отметил самобытный талант скульптора Зураба Церетели
  • 2014.01.04
МОСКВА, 4 янв — РИА Новости. Президент РФ Владимир Путин поздравил скульптора Зураба Церетели с 80-летним юбилеем, отметив его щедрый и самобытный талант и мастерство художника, сообщила в субботу пресс-служба Кремля. "Щедрый, самобытный талант, творческая смелость и мастерство настоящего художника — позволили Вам в полной мере реализовать...





That's it, now they'll stop scolding him and start praising him again. He'll come out of disgrace. He must have managed to get into power.



They probably removed it because they do not have very good associations with the USSR and Russia. Though, he is from there, isn't he?

And we pray because we want a strong and benevolent Tsar. Which is essentially what we have now.

As Dmitriy Kiselev said on Putin's birthday: In terms of the scale of Putin's activities, of his twentieth-century predecessors, the only one comparable to Stalin. The methods are fundamentally different. The price of the Stalinist breakthrough is unacceptable, but the scale of the tasks of settling the country is such. After Stalin, each successive Kremlin leader lowered the bar of ambition, and by the turn of the millennium, Russia came bleeding, demoralised and torn.... As a result, fingers crossed: army combat effectiveness restored, nuclear balance confirmed, territorial integrity preserved, Russian wages 13 times higher in roubles, pensions 10 times higher. Russia is freer than ever in its history.

Did abolk get so fat?

No disrespect, but the first answer is gone.

And this post of yours may disappear under the new rules.

I wish someone had read the new rules :)
Someone should read the new rules :)

Well instead of the old word ........ The term " administrative assistant " should be used , and the synonyms " woodpecker" and " drummer" have been deemed inappropriate.

The names of assistants should not be mentioned in vain.

I wish someone would introduce the new rules :)

That wouldn't be interesting. You'd have to guess.



That wouldn't be fun, you'd have to guess.


guessed wrong - ban))))

fun ))))