Interesting and Humour - page 1953

The RIA Novosti website was blocked by Google ... Either the programmers in the state apparatus are all blithers and don't know anything, or they abandoned the site due to reorganisation, or they were just hacked...
I was amused by the headline: "I'll go back to Russia". Probably just the author or editor wanting to see it or to attract as many readers as possible. Which is more likely.

Hey, Leningrad, Petersburg, Petrogradische
Mars Pasture, Winter Cemetery.
The offspring of Russia, unlike its mother
Pale, thin, Euro-eyed passerby...

In short, it's coming to a point where they will rule us forever .... (just kidding)
Учёные нашли способ обращения старения вспять
Учёные нашли способ обращения старения вспять
Эксперименты на мышах оказались удивительно успешными, на очереди - человек
2 p.m. Moscow time, MBH press conference, viewable here
at 14:00 Moscow time, you can watch MBH's press conference here.
Looks like they're moving it up to 4:00 p.m.
In short, it's coming to a point where they will rule us forever .... (just kidding)
You... do not get distracted. Khodorkovsky has been released, well done. Do you think that will be the end of it? Come on, let's get Ukraine into the EU. Look at me.