Interesting and Humour - page 1909


All traditions go to hell. Any action should be natural, not traditional. Coming to the forum is not a tradition at all.

In Russia, there was a tradition of beating wives with reins, the right of the first night of the lord... and drinking according to tradition.

Fuck all tradition. This is self-deception.

All right, I'll go get a banana and you sit here in the cold water.
There's a dog missing. On three legs. Special features: When he pees, he falls over :)

If you look closely, you can see the second front paw :)


Fuck all tradition. It's self-defeating.

Tradition is a mechanism for the self-preservation of society. However, tradition is also a brake on society's development.

That is, as always, a compromise is needed for society as a whole between following traditions and rejecting them.

Take your hat off, inspired by tradition. ))
My hat is inspired by protection from the cold

Tradition is a mechanism for the self-preservation of society. However, tradition is also a brake on society's development.

The society as a whole needs, as always, a compromise between following traditions and rejecting them.

What a compromise. Throw out tradition and be guided by common sense.
Don't compromise. Throw out tradition and be guided by common sense.

Not all people are capable of common sense.


Not all people are capable of being guided by common sense.

I suspect that this is just a tradition. You just gave an example of a self-evident belief. // Fixed beliefs are close relatives of traditions (social habits).

The lazy animal has chewed his arse off