Interesting and Humour - page 1891

but do we have to have a full one? is that the only principled objection?

Depends on which side of the door freedom ...

I mean, like... We're not animals. We can lick the plate.


New electricity consumption standards IN PRACTICE

Mr. Medvedev,

I have read the news about the introduction of a "social norm of electricity consumption" of 70 kW per person per month. This information prompted me to write to you with this letter to let you know that you are, in my view, an unbelievable world-door-ball. So are your cronies with whom you are about to introduce this norm.

  • Here's a quick calculation for you.

    I live alone.
    Let us assume that I am writing these lines, sitting in a room. It is lit by four energy-saving bulbs (as you said), each with 15 watts. That's not much. Not that my room would be as bright as daylight. But it's enough for me, let's say. Let's assume that I burn these bulbs for 6 hours a day. 60 watts x 6 hours = 360 watts per hour, that's 10.8 kWh per month.

    And I have four exactly the same bulbs in my kitchen. I generally, like a hyena, love semi-darkness. I understand that it would be better for you if I liked perfect darkness like a mole, but I am just working on this skill, and, frankly, I can't make you happy.
    By comparison, when you give your mirdreamy interview to another pocket TV channel, your trunk gets a few 500 watt devices shining on it at once. But I'm not a spender: 4x15=60 watts just put my kitchen in a nice, mysterious semi-dusk. I use this semi-dusk for, say, 3 hours a day. That's 5.4 kWh per month.

    In the kitchen, my refrigerator rumbles. I keep food in it, Mr Medvedev. I eat it. I especially try to go for carrots - they improve my eyesight in the dark. Well, this thing - I mean the fridge - belongs to energy consumption class "A", which means that it eats up, according to the manufacturer's assurances, about 365 KW per year. Per month, therefore, 30 kW.

    Though I'd like to live a purely spiritual life, I, alas, have to take a shit sometimes, Mr Medvedev. Let's say that my shared bathroom is illuminated by two modest 20W bulbs. This is also where I wash, shave and scrub. Will you give me two hours a day for everything? That's 20 watts x 2 hours = 40 watts per day, that's 1.2 kW per month.
    I could also shit in the dark, you might reasonably remark. But I answer that in that case you will have to spend more on toilet paper, cleaning and washing, and I would like to save, because you and your dear cronies insist on saving.
    No? Still no?! You're not just a mrdbeast, you're a cruel mrdbeast. But have it your way. 1.2 kWh I don't include in my monthly quota.

    As we leave the bathroom, I gesture for your middling attention to the kettle. It's electric. It has a power of 2 kW. I try not to turn it on unnecessarily, but it takes 20 minutes a day, no matter how long it takes. I drink tea. So it looks like I'm the one drinking tea, but you see me literally drinking 2kW in 3 days = 20kWh per month.

    Walking over to the kettle to get a proper look at this electric bastard, hoarding so much current from the country, you might pass by my computer. Its power supply says "600W" on it. I don't know much about computers and their power supplies, so if you're condescendingly pointing out to me that this is its, the computer's, power consumption - I'll hasten to agree with you. Four hours a day, let's say I work at my computer. I read, write, play and look at naked women. I'm not mentioning the word "torrents" because that word excites some of your middling friends more than it excites me naked women.
    No! No! Don't go! I admit that I'm an immoral and decayed type - but we're talking about energy consumption now, right? - and the positive, moral types, the paragons of virtue, consume a lot more power. So, where were we? The computer! - 4 hours a day x 600 watts. = 2.4 kWh per day = 72 kWh per month.

    Are you offended after all, and have decided to leave my dimly lit, blinded flat, where spirituality is represented only by pornography? - sorry, sorry.... when you get your shoes on, lean on the washing machine. yes, alas! - it consumes 1 kWh,

    it takes about an hour, and I do it, like, 6 times a month. Every, say, 5 days. That's just so I don't stink. I could, of course, stink, Mr. Medvedev, and do less laundry, you're right. I beg your pardon now, while you're still here. How much more have we got in there? - 6 kWh a month. Try to understand, though: I just want to keep my bloody clothes looking clean. In my flat, the lighting makes ALL my clothes look clean, but the natural light outside gives me away.

    Sorry, I got distracted. What have we got?

    10.8 + 5.4 + 30 + 20 + 72 + 6 = 144.2 kWh per month.

    Notice! - I didn't do anything! I just ate, sat at the computer, drank tea and did some laundry. And you told me to shit and wash in the dark.

    I didn't watch TV, I didn't turn on DVDs, I didn't listen to music, I didn't use an electric razor, I didn't blow-dry my conditional hair and my conditional shoes with an electric dryer, I didn't charge my phone, I didn't vacuum the flat. I forbade ladies to turn on sconces and nightlights, let alone romantically illuminate anything. I didn't even think about electric drills and other power tools. I swear! - I didn't charge any batteries. I have defiantly given up printers, scanners and plotters. I try to treat myself with herbs, because I have a feeling that a plugged-in medical appliance, like an inhaler, would make you sad, Mr. Medvedev, and thus shorten your middling life.

    And, of course, I haven't switched on the air conditioner (2 kWh) in summer, when the oppressive heat covers my city, nor the heater (1,5 kWh) in winter, when this same city freezes to a bit of blue snot.

    And I cooked on a gas cooker and in a gas oven, avoiding electricity consumption. I even lit them with matches rather than a piezo igniter.

    Still, I exceeded your suggested limit by more than twice.


13 necessary innovations


13 necessary innovations

Beautiful )

Trees have been on my mind for a long time



Geez, people, can we stop talking about Ukraine, eh?

Or let's create a separate thread....


Geez, people, can we stop talking about Ukraine, eh?

Or let's create a separate thread....

Not enough.
Not enough.
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