Interesting and Humour - page 1886

Denis goes home from fishing
A bucket of ichobli
¶ and he proudly shows off his catch ¶
¶ Ichoblah says wife ¶

Japan's Torobo-kun robot has passed standardized entrance exams allowing it to study at 70 per cent of the country's private universities, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported Thursday.

The results allow the robot to study at 403 out of 579 private universities


Cool of course, but so far so good. Exams are standardisation.


Japan's Torobo-kun robot has passed standardized entrance exams allowing it to study at 70 per cent of the country's private universities, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported Thursday.

The results allow the robot to study at 403 out of 579 private universities


Cool of course, but so far so good. Exams are standardisation.

Those exams now are sh*t. The Euro standard is rolled out.

victims of photoshop advertising

how to return ...
Как вернуть свои деньги, если у банка отозвали лицензию
Как вернуть свои деньги, если у банка отозвали лицензию
  • 2013.11.20
МОСКВА, 20 ноя — Прайм, Диляра Солнцева-Эльбе. Мастер-банк, у которого в среду ЦБ отозвал лицензию, являлся участником системы страхования вкладов, и его вкладчики могут получить денежные средства в соответствии с законом о страховании вкладов физических лиц в банках РФ. Все новости экономики и бизнеса на сайте агентства Прайм >> Мастер-банк...

victims of photoshop advertising

Not necessarily. I have a child who can twist his limbs so easily that no photoshop can do it.

Japan's Torobo-kun robot has passed standardized entrance exams allowing it to study at 70 per cent of the country's private universities, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported Thursday.

The results allow the robot to study at 403 out of 579 private universities


Cool of course, but so far so good. Exams are standardisation.

If there are ordinary tests there, it's no big deal.
You don't have to. I have a kid who can twist his limbs so easily that no photoshop can do it.
I couldn't agree more. There's a lot of people who can twist their legs like that.)
шарфы в виде котов на фестивале "Времена и эпохи", Москва, Коломенское, 2013
Не стучите! у кошки есть ключи :)
Не стучите! у кошки есть ключи :)
В России кошки настолько суровы...