Interesting and Humour - page 1762

How was Nikolaev?
Lousy, we distinguished ourselves here too. On the first night we had a fight, and the next day the court banned any rallies until January 7.
Stop. Let's get this straight. To Russia or to us? (our parents, our grandparents?)

People, of course. Everyone has suffered concretely. And yet the life of a country is not reduced to the life of its individual atoms (people), it is something more.

I am fascinated by Fursov (our political scientist) and his theory of world cryptohistory. If you're interested, look him up on Youtube, there are dozens if not hundreds of his videos.


2Mathemat- there is no schism Alexey, there is none. There is no split among the people, nor is it in the minds of those who now sit high on the bank (Presidency and so on). In 2004 there was one, because these same people sat in Donetsk and Kharkov, and then half the country was happy with them, now it is not. Their appetites have increased.

Regarding where we want to go. We do not want to go back to the Soviet Union. and this is the main topic, you could say the red line. Just SA with the EU is a chance to establish order in this country. Rules, laws.

We are not fleeing from Russia, we are moving away from the Kremlin, and that is two big differences as they say in Odessa.

Fine. But look at this: Kiev is now demonstrating that it badly wants to join the EU.

And who has thought about eastern Ukraine, where the main industry is located and which has strong ties with Russia?

And who thought about the price of gas, which could be much lower (well, at least one and a half times less, or even two... Yanukovych is a good card player) if Ukraine goes to the CU? Don't talk about oil shale, which is very expensive not only financially, but also ecologically...

What is the EU and how will it compensate for the multi-billion dollar deficits associated with immediate European integration? A phantom democracy, or what?

The IMF has already shown what it will give Ukraine. The most it will do is just to support interest payments. But Ukraine needs more, much more.

Something we do not understand from what Putin along with Azarov and even Yanukovych understand. Appetites have grown, but the real development now goes to Asians, not Europeans. As Fursov figuratively put it: Europe is a museum, a dying museum. It is interesting to go there as a tourist, if you have the money. And if you can - it is worthy to be integrated into their infrastructure. Not as a maid or a cleaner, but somehow more interesting.

In short, I'm done. Temporarily I will only be a reader.


Of course, people. Everyone's been hit hard.

So, a neighbour who constantly beats his wife, parents and children, comes to you, beats up half his family, moves the fence and says you are now one family, one household and one territory.

Does it make you feel better that he beats his own family too?

Or are you going to start weighing the price of firewood?


Lyosha, SA with the EU is still a long way from the EU, a long way from the EU.

Vitya has to go down this road as he as a concrete Donetsk kid promised it to the people. He got into his office exactly on this. And he really should understand and I think he does, that without it he will not get a second term. And he wants it badly enough.

About the money. The EU actually gives it to him, but they do not make this fact public. And they will give money to Vita, but they will not give money for corruption. Vova gives money, but only the Belarusian variant. And Vitya does not want to be a governor-general of the Ukrainian province either. He really understands, that Maskov's guys will come and undress him.

That's it, the end...


So, a neighbour who constantly beats his wife, parents and children, comes to you, beats up half his family, moves the fence and says you are now one family, one household and one territory.

Does it make you feel better that he beats his own family too?

Or are you going to start weighing the price of firewood?

You've changed the subject, and you know it yourself.

Look at reality.

Realities have now won, not dreams of the EU detached from them. Putin lowered the price of gas - and everything has dissipated.

And it will still take a long time to deal with crime and corruption - no matter which superstructure Ukraine will be in (EU or CU). This is a mentality that is broken down by generations, not by a couple of decades.

FAQ: Lyosha, CA with the EU is still far from the EU, oh so far.

I'm sorry, I didn't understand what SA is. Even looked it up on the wiki.

Okay, got it. The Association Agreement.

But the EU also offered to start trading immediately. This is much further than just SA, this is real action.

You should do a sweepstakes on these events - that's where the profit is. But you're all about the bitcoins and the bitcoins...

You've changed the subject - and you know it yourself.

Look at the realities.

Realities have now won, not dreams of the EU detached from them. Putin lowered the price of gas - and everything has dissipated.

They have to deal with crime and corruption for a long time anyway, no matter what superstructure Ukraine will be in (EU or CU). This is a mentality that is broken down over generations, and not in a couple of decades.

I did not change the subject, I showed you an example of why poor Baltic states really do not want to go back to the Soviet Union.

Nothing has gone away in Ukraine and everything is just beginning.

Crime and corruption in Georgia have been eliminated in three years.

There are kickbacks here
Премьер: МВФ готов дать Украине кредит на $4 млрд вместо $15 млрд
Премьер: МВФ готов дать Украине кредит на $4 млрд вместо $15 млрд
Украина рассчитывала на возобновление сотрудничества с МВФ и на привлечение в рамках новой программы финансирование около 15 миллиардов долларов. Срок предыдущей кредитной программы фонда для Украины, начатой в 2010 году, истек в декабре 2012 года.

Now the realities have won, not the detached dreams of the EU. Putin lowered the price of gas and everything has dissipated.

It has not gone away. Someone really wants it to go away, but it won't. If Vitya goes for it now, that's it... fucked up.