Interesting and Humour - page 1709


I'm so sick of these stupid cats.


Dwar Ev solemnly sealed the last contact with gold. Twelve
television cameras followed his every movement, broadcasting to the entire galaxy.
The whole galaxy.
He straightened up and nodded to Dwar Rein. Then approached the switch,
which would soon close the circuit. A switch that would connect all the computers on all the inhabited planets simultaneously.
the computers of all inhabited planets - ninety-six million worlds - into
the supergrid that will connect them into one supercomputer, a single
a cybernetic machine that gathers the wisdom of all known worlds.
Dwar Rein gave a short, introductory speech to billions
of viewers and then, after a short pause, he said:
- It's time, Dwar Ev!
Dwar Ev flicked the switch. There was a mighty buzz and the energy of ninety-six million planets
of ninety-six million planets. The infinitely long remote flashed
coloured lights.
He stepped back and proclaimed loudly:
- The honour of asking the first question belongs to you, Dwar Rein!
- Thank you," replied Dwar Rheen, "It will be a question that no
no computer could answer.
He turned to the console.
- Is there a god?
A mighty voice rang out at once.
Dwar Ev did not understand at once, but then fear distorted his face - he
rushed to the switch...
Lightning ripped from the cloudless sky and incinerated him on the spot,
permanently sealing the connection.

//from the hubra.


Cooking methods for Cats


A cat weighing about 1 kg
150 g bacon from bacon Small onions 2 tablespoons melted lard Salt, black pepper 2 tablespoons flour 0.5 bottle of white table wine
1 glass of broth
thyme bay leaf garlic clove 1 kg young potatoes.
Method of preparation:
Cut the cat into small pieces. Dice the bacon and blanch it in boiling water for 5 minutes and let it drain. Heat ghee in a heavy-based pan and fry the bacon in it. Remove the grease and fry the peeled onions in the remaining fat. Take out the onions and fry the cat meat in the same fat, add salt and pepper. Once the meat is nicely browned, sprinkle it with flour and fry. Pour in the wine and stock, season with a bay leaf, two or three sprigs of thyme and garlic. The sauce should taste slightly spicy. Cover and simmer for 1.5 hours over a low heat. Half an hour before the end, add the potatoes.


And google for silly is third place for silly penguin.

and for stupid, it's a horse.


I'm so sick of these stupid cats.

She's very clever. She uses a hedgehog to scratch herself).

Horror, and it counts as both logic and evidence.

Type in Putin in the same place. Putin is a jerk also came in 5th place.

So dogs are as smart as Putin.

A lot of people would agree with that.)
A wrinkled man walks into a sex shop and lays a rubber woman on the counter.
- I bought it from you a week ago," he tells the saleswoman, "it's defective - I filled the tub with water and checked, it's leaking air...
- Why didn't you come straight to us? - The salesgirl asks reasonably.
- I couldn't come straight away! - The neighbour in the flat saw everything through the crack! It took the cops a while to realise that I had drowned a woman in the bathtub...

Names for hedgehogs - here - with a ballot box.

Winners :

  • Hedgehog
  • Arnie
She is very clever. She uses the hedgehog to scratch herself).
Yeah! Of course she's fucking smart. Because scratching a hedgehog is a sign of great intelligence.