Interesting and Humour - page 1509


By the way, the network has gone over the Petahesh.
What does it mean?
What is the consequence of this?
Bitcoin inflation :)
What does it mean?
It means that if you put it all to peaceful use, world communism will come in 37 minutes.

Fortune chased him for a long time without success.

But he died. And then it caught up with him and started to beat him to a pulp.

He's definitely dead now. ;)
inflation :)

I don't even want to talk about inflation and deflation. I'll get banned.)

What follows from this ?

1. firstly, it would be impossible for a mere mortal without a more or less thick wallet to get into mining. (say, a grand entrance threshold).

2. that quantum computers have been told by a fork in the water. 10743.82 petaFLOPS is the current capacity. The most powerful supercomputer at the moment has 33.86 petaFLOPS. That's 300 times more, though.

3. Bitcoin has created its own market niche, the first probably. A second one is coming up -- ATMs.

4. ...

inflation :)
Crypto-trader's law #1 -- price is (almost) independent of complexity.

And the fact that bitcoin is developing in the IT environment is primarily an indication that most people are not yet ready to even understand (not yet accept) the merits of decentralisation of the currency.

A completely wrong conclusion.

Andryukha, come out to play.)


Completely wrong conclusion

Give me the right one )

Shit, I think we should start a thread, it's a bit awkward here.


Tomorrow the philatelists will announce their currency.

A medium-value stamp of 10,000 pieces, mintyear's edition.

It'll be the same shit as the bitcoins. It wouldn't even be a problem to set up an exchange.

And then they will say that their currency is the most independent and the most honest, and that the most financially advanced people on Earth, the philatelists, are still engaged in it.