Interesting and Humour - page 1508

And a cat, he's always at the end of the line. Especially in this country.)

Think about it! Everyone is used to it, but no one has ever tried to imagine this thriller.

A bear stepped on my ear when I was a kid! Holy shit!

That means that at night the bear must have got into the house secretly (yes, especially in the city, climbed up the wall on the 12th floor), got into the child's room and started putting pressure on his ear. Shit.

I don't know what kind of sick mind would dream that up.

Why a fucking bear?

There's a cat in almost every house.

You should say: " I had a cat pissed in my ear when I was a kid.

Traders are always and everywhere interested in only one thing - making a profit. Everything else is secondary to commerce.

Hmmm... If only businessmen were in charge, maybe something good would come out of it.

We will have a hefty subsidy from the budget, the money will be "absorbed", and then they will say that it did not work out, it would be cheaper to buy from the Italians.

This is their first time.


Bitcoins are bad, that's for sure.

♪ and there's a cult vibe about them ♪

I'd rather invest in forex

♪ no one's gonna fuck it up ♪)

You should at least put a smiley face in a new line. The rules don't apply.


A quatrain without rhymes, numbers, punctuation and hyphens, written in iambic quadrilateral and small Russian letters is called pirozhok if it contains an elusive pie spirit in addition to the format.

Mat in pirozhki is not welcome.

Hidden syllables should be spelled explicitly (abbreviations and in some cases potyr and tatyr).

The pie should excite the reader and not be trivial.


bears live in watermelons.
♪ I know I've seen it ♪
♪ I'll lock the nursery door ♪
♪ while the watermelon sleeps in the kitchen ♪


Barkhans 18+


And apple keeps dropping

- 10% from the release of the 5S and 5C


You should at least put a smiley face on the new line. It's against the rules.

Well... the first pancake, as usual, is a bit of a bump in the road.


There's a lot of them waiting in ambush. And if the project succeeds, there's an even bigger one. I'll explain briefly. When quantum computers appear, they'll take over the currency without the slightest resistance.Respectively, who will have quantum computers - that's who will have them? And what games will start between holders of "the most advanced currency" and progress in the field of quantum technologies?

By the way, the power of the network has gone beyond Petahesh

Fortune chased him for a long time without success.

But he died. And then it caught up with him and started to beat him to a pulp.