Interesting and Humour - page 1466

Probably a Muscovite? About 70 per cent of Russians live and feel the "gaps", though in the family budget. A pension of 8,000 (if one pensioner lives alone), an average salary in the city of 15 to 20 t.r./month. The rent is 6400r. a month, electricity 400r. a month. One trip to the shop = -700 - 1200r., And the children to feed / learn / dress. Can you do the math? Now do the math in Moscow... Muscovites come here every year and wonder how we manage to survive here... Food/clothes are one and a half or two times higher than in Moscow, and wages are three or four times lower... 2/3 of the city budget goes to Moscow. Credit to you, sir.

You don't get any credit. I have been living in Moscow for a long time, but I am not a Muscovite myself (due to my propiska).

Pension for provincials is about the same - yes, yes, about the same as for Muscovites.

Average salary in Moscow is higher, yes (by 2-2.5 times). But this is at the expense of migrants who have to pay for rented flats, and to pay quite differently than in the provinces. It is much more expensive. Muscovites themselves, according to my feeling, do not really want anything, and do not aspire to it. And they berate all the "newcomers" (and prefer to rent empty flats themselves).

I am not even going to talk about the electricity bill. 400 a month is my dream. And this despite the fact that I have energy-saving light bulbs at home, and old household appliances that burn a lot, not at all. True, the computer stays on all day long, but it consumes very little compared to everything else.

Transport in Moscow, by the way, is several times more expensive than in the provinces. The provinces do not notice it, but it significantly affects Muscovites' pockets.

You could talk about where the budget goes in the Soviet era, but not now. You live in the 20th century, and now it's the 21st. And there is no such thing as the sovcus. It's about time you woke up and stopped thinking in soviet categories, you're not a stupid man at all.


Not for you. I have been living in Moscow for a long time, but I am not a Muscovite myself (according to my propiska).

Pension for provincials is about the same - yes, yes, about the same as for Muscovites.

Average salary in Moscow is higher, yes (by 2-2.5 times). But this is at the expense of migrants who have to pay for rented flats, and to pay quite differently than in the provinces. It is much more expensive. Muscovites themselves, according to my feeling, do not really want anything, and do not aspire to it. And they berate all the "newcomers" (and prefer to rent empty flats themselves).

I am not even going to talk about the electricity bill. 400 a month is my dream. And this despite the fact that I have energy-saving light bulbs at home, and old household appliances that burn a lot, not at all. True, the computer stays on all day long, but it consumes very little compared to everything else.

Transport in Moscow, by the way, is several times more expensive than in the provinces. The provinces do not notice it, but it significantly affects Muscovites' pockets.

You could talk about where the budget goes in the Soviet era, but not now. You live in the 20th century, and now it's the 21st. And there is no such thing as the sovcus any more. It's about time you woke up and stopped thinking in soviet categories, you're not a stupid man at all.

Alexei, I have shown you the whole money scheme. That is our standard of living - to pay for a flat and electricity and to stretch the remaining one-third until the next pension. For those who work, it's a little easier - ten thousand a month is left over. And Muscovites come here for their business, they call me and I'm with them every day, so we became friends and I go with them here and there on their business. During their time here, I earn more than I do in a month of work here. Twice as much. Our locals would have their eyes rounded at those prices. It's all right for them, cheaper than back home. They even try to give me extra. We've talked about this and that. About the city budget, that's how it is. And another moron - general manager of one of the city-forming enterprises, sold out to the pindos and shut down all the reactors - they promised him money for that. He could have built a new one, and it would have given a third of population a job and practically free heat. But no pondo money, no heat, no job... And they told me all about the tariffs. Living and working in Moscow is cheap in relation to the salaries of Muscovites. Going out, relaxing and having a good time is more expensive than here... much more. Well... to some people it is. I, for example, haven't been to a cafe for eight years - I have to work, not have fun... Family, kids, debts... Even if I feel like it sometimes...

Where do you get these prices from? My dog was bitten by an encephalitis tick, blood test - 9,000 rubles. injections once a day cost about 1,000 rubles and so for a fortnight.


Where do you even get such prices? My dog was bitten by an encephalitis tick, blood test - 9,000 rubles. injections once a day cost about 1,000 rubles and so for a fortnight.

What prices are you talking about? The prices you're talking about are totally unsurprising. Only it's all relative to earnings. If a man gets 12,000 to 14,000 a month, like most of us in town, then the doggie will die. And if he gets 200,000 to 400,000 a month, like most of the bosses, they'll give themselves a shot just in case...

Where do you even get such prices? My dog was bitten by an encephalitis tick, blood test - 9,000 rubles. injections once a day cost about 1,000 rubles and so for a fortnight.

Dogs don't get encephalitis

Anyway, we've all deliberated and I've decided

Starting tomorrow, all forum members with Moscow IPs should submit a photo of their cancelled mayoral vote ballot

Those who haven't submitted are to be banned within three days.

Those who have a tick against Navalny will be recalculated by a factor of 10 in case Navalny wins the election.


Anyway, we've all deliberated and I've decided

Starting tomorrow, all forum members with Moscow IPs should submit a photo of their cancelled mayoral vote ballot

Those who haven't submitted are to be banned within three days.

Those who have a tick against Navalny will be recalculated by a factor of 10 in case Navalny wins the election.

Give it to Stenka Razin !!!!
artmedia70: And if he gets 200 - 400 000 per month, as the majority bosses, they and themselves will poke a prick just in case ...

Such an amount is very far from the Moscow average, by the way.

Well, in short, I have already laid out all the relevant arguments, I'm too lazy to repeat myself.

Your hatred of Muscovites is unfounded. They come in all shapes and sizes, just like in any other city.