Interesting and Humour - page 1418

The political economy of small business

The increased government attention to the fate of small and medium-sized businesses has not so much economic as political objectives.



All right. You can call the first three points really useful. :)

There's software like timers for quitting smoking.) Bullshit

There's another method you could try. It's called the "sound bites". I just thought of it. You give a smoker a clunk so that his ears are ringing for a week. As long as your ears are ringing, you don't want to smoke. When your ears stop ringing, you have to do it again. And repeat until you are completely disgusted with smoking, like a vegan is disgusted with "meat". Write about the results of your research after you have tried it. )))

Land of savages. What is so funny?

Many, by the way, are proud of Chelyabinsk harshness


A land of savages. What's so funny, anyway.

Many, by the way, are proud of Chelyabinsk's harshness

- I won't say, but there is information that it is a joke of Polish site, like "baik". The gentry amuse themselves in such a way).

"Сенсационную находку сделал марсоход..."

Suddenly the subject of Mars is going to get shut down.

A land of savages. What's so funny, anyway.

Many, by the way, are proud of Chelyabinsk's harshness.

Do you believe it's possible to make a mistake and hit a bear in the mouth? Even if he is small enough, the size of a man?

PS I don't drink so much...


Download the anti-tobacco and alcohol ads I posted on your smartphone

Taa, bullshit for impressionable nerds.