Interesting and Humour - page 1407

I arrived at the address and honked my horn. After waiting a few minutes, I honked again. As it was to be my last flight, I thought about leaving, but instead I parked the car, went to the door and knocked... "Just a minute," answered a frail, elderly female voice. I heard something being dragged across the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman of about 90 stood in front of me. She was dressed in a chintz dress and a hat with a veil, as if from 1940s movies. Next to her was a small suitcase. The flat looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or crockery on the shelves. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photographs and glassware.
"Would you help me carry my bag to the car?" - she said. I carried the suitcase to the car and then went back to help the woman. She took my hand and we walked slowly towards the car.
She kept thanking me for my kindness. "It's nothing," I told her, "I just try to treat my passengers the way I want my mother to be treated."
"Ah, you're such a good boy," she said. When we got in the car she gave me the address and then asked: "Could you drive through the centre of town?"
"It's not the shortest way," I quickly replied...
'Oh, I don't mind' - she said - 'I'm in no hurry. I'm off to the hospice..."
I looked in the rear view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. "My family is long gone," she continued in a quiet voice - "The doctor says I don't have much time left."
I calmly reached out and turned off the meter.
"Which route would you like to take?" - I asked.
Over the next two hours, we drove through town. She showed me the building where she used to work as a lift operator.
We drove through the area where she and her husband lived when they were newlyweds. She showed me the furniture warehouse that used to be the dance hall where she used to practice as a little girl.
Sometimes she would ask me to slow down in front of a particular building or alleyway and sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.
Later she would suddenly say: "I'm tired, I think we should go now."
We drove in silence to the address she gave me. It was a low building, something like a small sanatorium, with a driveway along a small portico.
Two orderlies came to the car as soon as we pulled up. They were careful to help her out. They must have been waiting for her. I opened the boot and carried the small suitcase through the door. The woman was already sitting in a wheelchair.
"How much do I owe you?" - she asked, taking out her purse.
"Nothing," I said.
"You have to earn a living," she replied.
"There are other passengers," I replied.
Almost without thinking, I leaned over and hugged her, she held me tight.
"You've given an old lady some happiness" she said, "Thank you."
I squeezed her hand and then walked away. Behind my back the door closed, It was the sound of another book of life closing...
I didn't take any more passengers on the way back. I went wherever I could, immersed in my own thoughts. For the rest of us that day, I could barely speak. What if that woman had been caught by an angry driver, or someone who couldn't wait to finish her shift? What if I had refused to comply with her request, or honked my horn a couple of times and then drove away...?
Finally, I'd like to say that I've never done anything more important in my life. We are accustomed to thinking that our lives revolve around great moments, but great moments often catch us off guard, beautifully wrapped up in what others might consider trivial...
We are accustomed to thinking that our lives revolve around great moments, but great moments often catch us off guard, beautifully wrapped up in what others might consider trivial...
+++ Strongly
Moscow parks will be patrolled by robots

The first robot, which will monitor public order, will appear in Sokolniki Park in September.

The robot called "Tral Patrol" has been developed by Skolkovo resident company SMP Robotics. As CEO of the company Alexey Poluboyarinov said in an interview with Izvestia, the prototype Tral Patrol will be provided to Sokolniki Park for free in September.

The robot is equipped with a tracking camera, which can see at a distance of 80 meters and has a view angle of 360 degrees. The camera activates when it moves. The lens focuses on a moving object and begins tracking it. Via WiFi, the picture from the camera is transmitted to the operator, who decides whether or not to call security guards to that part of the park.

The robot is designed for round-the-clock operation at temperatures between -20 and +40 degrees Celsius. It weighs 120kg and travels at 5-7km/h. The robot can move on asphalt as well as on the ground, grass and forest paths. It is able to negotiate steps 14 cm high and move in snow up to 5 cm deep.

It will be interesting to watch.


Interior Ministry checks brokers

"The crackdown on legalisation and the transfer of funds abroad has reached brokers. Searches have already taken place at BCS, Velez Capital and Region, and financiers are discussing who is next.

Vedomosti has learned that several major brokerage companies have been searched. Interior Ministry officials visited the offices of BCS and Region Investment Company on Tuesday, and Veles Capital the other day, three financiers and confirmed representatives of these companies said."


It always seems to me that such showdowns are ordered. In time we will find out whose music.
It always seems to me that such showdowns are ordered. In time we will find out whose music is whose.
I understand from the news that there are no claims against the brokers themselves. It's just that the firms they have a complaint about have been funneling money through them. If only they are digging for these firms. And a little later we will find out who ordered what, if anything.
I understand from the news that there are no claims against the brokers themselves. It's just that the firms they have a complaint about have been passing money through them. If only they are digging for these firms. And a little later we will find out who ordered what, if anything.
A search of the office, in general, kicks the ground out thoroughly. (Hands behind your head, face down). The very end result could be that clients, their accounts, could suffer.
A search of an office, in fact, knocks the ground out thoroughly. (HANDS ON HEAD, FACE IN THE FLOOR). In the very end, customers, their accounts, may suffer.
"The investigators worked very correctly, our office functioned as usual," recalls the deputy director general
"The investigators worked very correctly, our office functioned as usual," recalls the deputy director general

The whole thing is very strange.

What could have been done in such a manner? They could have seized screws, documents, but no.

That's not his biggest problem. Probably because he's not American.

The whole thing is very strange.

What do you get out of it? They could have seized the screws, the documents, but they didn't.

It sort of states the reason

"Investigators were led to brokers by the results of inspections of banks through which dubious transactions were conducted, say employees of a brokerage company and law enforcement officials: brokers were one of the links in the frauds of the suspects."

It's like a pirate site being blocked. There's an edict to shut down a couple of shows - shut them down. Nobody cares if there's porn on the next page.

Nothing global.