Interesting and Humour - page 1404

xxx: aren't yours planning children?
yyy: no. they're programmers.
xxx: what, they reproduce by code?
xxx: then boris is the wrong programmer, he already has two.
yyy: he wrote a script.
xxx: and then "oh man, he ran it twice"?)
The Russian Interior Ministry has uncovered the embezzlement of funds allocated to investigate massive embezzlement in the Ministry of Defence.

"Red Cat Bathing" by an unknown artist

So, the man tried so hard and the result is just an ordinary photo :(
A man tried so hard and ended up with an ordinary photo :(
A man took an ordinary photograph and stripped it to the bone.
A man took an ordinary photograph and stripped it down to the bone.

I have this between the lines, even between the letters :)

It's creative, though.

The Russian Interior Ministry has uncovered the embezzlement of funds allocated to investigate massive embezzlement in the Ministry of Defence.

This is how Chinese citizens deal...

with the damned plunderers of socialist property. (с)