Interesting and Humour - page 1400



and where in ukraine does cocoa come from? :)

From the shop ;)


From the shop ;)

From the nightstand :)))

Chimpanzees saw the light of day after 30 years of lab experiments in a cage...

Humans and their science are still big bastards...(((


Used goods shop.

The prices are outrageous, though :)


Good morning bros :)


The Stylistics-You make me feel brand new


Good morning, guys :)

You got to get in sync somehow, bro.

US bank Goldman Sachs may incur losses of up to $100m due to a technical error which led to the unplanned purchase of a large number of options, The Financial Times reports.

The trading system, which evaluates options in the interests of clients of Goldman Sachs, mistakenly sent requests to acquire these financial instruments to several American exchanges. Moreover, prices for a number of orders were set by default and differed significantly from market prices.

At the moment there are active negotiations between the bank, stock exchanges and trading companies.

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