Interesting and Humour - page 1360


In line?

The usual moderator button

There is a reverse, i.e. it is not a reverse, but a removal of the translation and going to the original post (the same button). That is, if I translate the post from Russian to English - I press En. If, like backwards, I press the same En again.
There is a reverse, i.e. it is not a reverse, but a removal of the translation and going to the original post (the same button). That is, if I translate the post from Russian to English - I press En. If I press vice versa - I press same En button again.
Got it, thank you.
There is a reverse, i.e. it is not a reverse, but a removal of the translation and going to the original post (the same button). That is, if I translate the post from Russian to English - I press En. If it's vice versa - I press same En button again.
Translation is excellent, it would be better to work). There you can even translate from Russian to Russian. For example, correct spelling mistakes, put punctuation marks).
They say it will soon be possible to write as well. Because I'm one of ours in the Chinese ... They are now, by the way, dealing with the clout and with agents ... I re-posted there a post in Chinese from my pocket from the English part (someone made a mistake in the language), so they are working on it ... maybe they'll invent something themselves ...

Another topic ... the subject of conjectural distortion not brought up?


There are some people who are more inclined to believe in things that contradict the laws of nature than to believe that their beliefs are the result of trivial cognitive distortions.
Thought not mine :)


A list of cognitive distortions - on my own found this there :
Systematic consistency bias - the tendency to test hypotheses solely by direct testing rather than by testing possible alternative hypotheses.


Good night

Drawn by Alexander Gunin