Interesting and Humour - page 1346

When you read the statuses of people under the age of twenty-five on social media, you realise that the Russian language ceased to be taught everywhere around 1995.

Putin will not be resting.

Dmitry Peskov, the president's press secretary, said his boss had no time to rest. "The president is working, the schedule is very tight," Peskov was quoted as saying by Forbes, citing RIA Novosti.

How responsible he is! What a hard worker he is! The people didn't elect him for a 3rd term for nothing.


It's a boar. Name is Borya M. Captured by an acquaintance while trying to lick his ear. The nickname is "Ant-Man."

Headline news: Russian Post intends to get a banking licence
xxx: And who will handle the parcels?

yyyy: Sberbank...


nioliz: horror-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!
What is it?
nioliz: Basilisks are herbivores!
rifle: why is that?

nioliz: Well think about it, the Basilisk's gaze turns any living thing to stone. True, it doesn't say anything about plants, apparently it only affects animals. Or fish, maybe. Or maybe not -- also not known. But either way, whenever a basilisk sees an animal, it's petrified. That is, the basilisk doesn't even know that there are other animals in the world; it always sees only statues. And then what will he eat? You can't eat a stone... So he eats grass!


xxx: guess how my mum saves a Word document?
yyy: How?

xxx: presses the computer shutdown button, computer asks her: save document? She says yes, the computer shuts down, saves the document, then mum turns the computer back on. Profit!


DoubleDJ: My advice to you: When asked by a therapist, "Do you often get the feeling of 'De ja vu'?" don't ask counter-questions like, "Malfunction in the matrix? Is someone changing the program?"...


1: Did you save a code section in your Skype history where you check if 1=2?
2: << IF 1 = 2. MESSAGE i903(aj) WITH space. ENDIF.
1: thank you

2: You're welcome, thank the Indians.


LG's curved-screen TVs launch in the US

Where the fuck is the world going? I don't understand a damn thing about these newfangled commercial gimmicks. First there were convex TVs, then they said you have to have a flat screen, now we're making screens "convex". What's next?!

next is slammed.




Tree houses


Somewhere in Skolkovo...


Old Russian name-calling

Calligraphy about appearance

Pentyukh - chubby man with a prominent stern

Bezpelyukha - slob

Gawky - ugly, stinky

Zateletieha - fat woman

Zaguzastka - round, fat woman with a big butt

Yerpyl - short

Zahurya - mousy, untidy, disheveled

Shpun head - a person with an ugly head

Fool - an unattractive little fellow

Character nicknames

Marakusha - nasty man

Hobiaka, Mihrutka, Sivolap - clumsy, awkward

Sverbiguzka - a fidgety girl, she has boils in one place (her goose is a pussy). She is also Vizgoryadka.

Ascheul - mockingbird, the teaser.

Vetrogonka - a feisty woman.

Balyaba - lazybones

Belebenya, Lyabzya, a dunce

Bobynya, Bunya - pouty, conceited.

Delirious - talkative, talkative (from the word "delirious", as you understand).

Kolotovka - a pugnacious and grumpy woman. She's also Kujolda.

Guzinya or Ryuma - weeper, bellower.

Pynya - proud, pouty, unattainable woman

Pyatiguz - unreliable person, literally can be translated as "five-jop".

Raschelda - gossipy woman.

Predaushnitsa - a woman who is more than a meal, let you argue with her.

"Sumeudr" - falsely wise.

Kostera, kropot, kopyshchik - grouch, grumpy

Shinora, a weasel.

Stranger - parasite, freeloader

Behavioural nicknames

Volochayka, Gulnja, Yonda, Bezsorna - all this splendour of epithets is dedicated to dissolute women

Bzyrya, Prodigal, Buslay - a raving lout, promiscuous man

Valandai, Kolobrod, Mukhoblud - slacker, slacker.

Eye-roller - nosy

Oven rider - lazy bum

Trupurda - sluggish woman

Tymoneist - active ignoramus

Erogtail - a bully, a disputant

Yora, a mischievous, perky-tongued woman.

Kiseliay, kolupay - sluggish, slow person

Shlynda - vagabond, lazybones.

Potatuy - sycophant

Nasupa - sullen, gloomy


Parque Maria Luisa is the main city park in Seville, Spain