Interesting and Humour - page 1342

Coefficients = weights.

So according to this formula, the most important thing (33 outweighs everything else) is to take care of your body. Wow!

Bodies are good now, but faces are not so good. (c) Zhvanetsky.
The most important thing in life is health, no health - no nothing. It's so banal. The meaning of life is to preserve life.

Wife for an hour (price)


Shopping "quickly" (2 hours) - 500 r./hour.

Replacement of existing curtains on the mother - 600 p.

Express-determination who is a dog among friends and who is a drunkard (from a photo) - 200 p./r.

Role-playing games: "The Maid", "Strict Mistress", "Tired Freeloader", "Squirrel in the Wheel", "No Servants! - 1200 r./hour.

Wearing a crumpled dressing gown - 400 p/hour.

Wearing a non-crumpled dressing gown - 700 per hour.

Wearing a non-crumpled dressing gown - 1000 per hour.

Walking meaninglessly from room to room with a faint lament: "You have to crap the place up in two days!" - 500 p/hour.

Auditing of mobile phones, pockets, car glove compartment for dirt - 800 p/hr.

Sending out "Where are you?" SMS messages, calling police, morgues, hospitals - rates according to "Family" tariffs including "Favorite number" option.

Search for lost stashes in the flat - 50% of what you find.

Listening to a story about a client's industrial conflict with "that goat Potapov" - 1000 r./hour.

Coercion to take the bucket out (with tears, prior oral shouting) - 500 p/hour.

Watering pots with soil on the windowsill - 200 p.h.

Washing a dirty passport, ID card - 500 p.p./document.

Advice on furniture promotion - 50 p./advice.

Advice on driving a car:
- on the go - 500 p./advice.
- from a balcony - 300 p.p./advice.

A heart-to-heart talk (topics: repairs, children's clothes, school grades, information about the success of a neighbour, the state of affairs in Dom-2) - 700p./hour.

Joint (simultaneous) viewing of two TV channels on one TV (football + TV series or Malakhov +) - 500 p.p./match.

Quiz: "Do you remember what day it is?", "You don't love me! Do you?", "Do you love me a lot?", "And how much do you love me?", "And will you love me?", "And when I'm old, will you run to the young?" (more than 100 different questions) - 800 p./question.

PMS-show - 1000 p.

Getting rid of the gnawing (squealingroom) - 1000 p.

Lying with your head bent at the elbow on the client's arm:
- before sex - 300 p.
- after sex - 2000 p.
Total - 3300 p.

Identification of overweight with subsequent depression - 300 p.

Collection before leaving the client after all work (minimum 45 minutes) - 20 p./min.

For every third order - bonus (wife's mum for an hour)!
The most important thing in life is health, no health - no nothing. It's so cliché. The meaning of life is to preserve life.

What other options are there? ))


What other options are there? ))

Gave a full list and most live without that sense:

- live in the moment (M)

- be curious (C)

- do what you love (L)

- think of others (T)

- protect relationships (N)


Gave a complete list and most live without that sense:


This has been called the formula for happiness. I do OK with each item listed and I'm basically happy, but I still don't know the true meaning of life.

And I realise that I would never know, even if I lived forever. The true meaning of life is not accessible to our understanding, so everyone, without exception, the maximum they can do about it is to invent a meaning of life for themselves. But it has nothing to do with the true meaning of life. ))

Maybe there is no true meaning of life? Generally there is no such concept in nature, and our thinking about it is just a side effect. The absence of the meaning of life may frighten many people, although there is nothing wrong with it. Living with comprehension of lack of true meaning of life, one may be quite happy and be content with imaginary meaning. But this fictitious meaning may be simply called a goal in life, which everyone(?) strives for to fill the emptiness that may arise from the collision of consciousness with the awareness that in fact there is no true meaning in life.


This has been called the formula for happiness. I am fine with each of the listed items and I am happy in principle, but I still don't know the true meaning of life.

And I realise that I would never know, even if I lived forever. The true meaning of life is not accessible to our understanding, so everyone, without exception, the maximum they can do about it is to invent a meaning of life for themselves. But it has nothing to do with the true meaning of life. ))

Maybe there is no true meaning of life? Generally there is no such concept in nature, and our thinking about it is just a side effect. The absence of the meaning of life may frighten many people, although there is nothing wrong with it. Living with comprehension of lack of true meaning of life, one may be quite happy and be content with imaginary meaning. But this fictitious meaning can simply be called a goal in life, which everyone(?) strives for, in order to fill the emptiness that may arise from the collision of consciousness with the awareness that in fact there is no true meaning in life.

Ehh, you seem to have a lot of free time ))

Get married, have a baby. You will have so much meaning that you will have nowhere to put it. )


Eh, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands.)

Get married, have a kid. You'll make so much sense, you won't be able to stack it. )

By the way, I've never been bored or had nothing to do in my life. I had always had a goal that I strived for and when I reached it, a new one was automatically generated.

About marriage and continuation of lineage is a very deep philosophical question. )) I don't have time to write about it now, but maybe sometime later. )) It's irrelevant and meaningless to me right now. And I'm even glad that I almost got married once, even though I was very worried about it at the time. ))

Basically the thought is that we should all cope with what/who we already have. I think it's better to have fewer of us and for the system to be set up/work in such a way that everyone, without exception, is happy and gets the most out of life and enjoys it. If that is not possible, then life has no meaning for me.

"How do you find the meaning of life? The answerto this question is that it cannot be found. The meaning of lifehas to be created like you create cars and aeroplanes. Imagine an ancientman who, instead of creating an aeroplane, tries to find it.An aeroplane cannot be found, no matter how long he looks for it. An aeroplane is createdby hard work. Themeaning of life cannot be found, it has to be created.No one will create your meaning of life for you. You have to do the hard work yourself.

and build your own meaning inlife, like aeroplanes.

There's a lot offrustration and pain involved in trying to find meaning in life.Often peopletake atactical goal like building a house, havingabrilliantcareer, starting a business, building a cohesive family, as the meaning oflife. And when they achieve their goal, they immediately begin to suffer.They start to feel empty and as if they were cheated. Theydreamed that they would reach their goals and be happy. And when they reach their goal,they become even more disappointed.