Interesting and Humour - page 1272


You will laugh.

I won't laugh. When I got back from the army, I played with the cars the second day at home, until my parents got home from work. With the sound of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

The Porsche RS weighs less than 9kg thanks to its carbon frame, but also costs almost 350,000 roubles, more than half of which is payment for the German company's nameplate.

I won't laugh. When I got back from the army, I played with the cars the second day at home, until my parents got home from work. With the sound of zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, and yeehaw.
You served in the taiga as a warrant officer for 25 years?

The Porsche RS weighs less than 9kg thanks to its carbon frame, but it also costs almost 350,000 roubles, more than half of which is the fee for the German company's nameplate.

Bamboo is cooler. And lighter.
Served in the taiga as an ensign for 25 years?
Senior bear above the Arctic Circle

Micha, do you remember the Japanese? Or the Chinese/Koreans, whatever. You also wanted to take them apart and see what they have inside. )))

Anyway, watch the video below. I do not understand when he had time to learn. He is four years old in the video. )))