Interesting and Humour - page 1215


What the hell good is the USE. We have a country of reports and indicators. My sister told me (she works as a teacher in a rural school) that in their USE the teachers pass, but the pupils smoke. I mean, on the sidelines.

There is no point in her lying

it's teachers' problem, not students', students will get through

Probably the same Guess the Country series.


Probably to the same Guess the Country series.

No, it's like, "If it says 'buffalo' on the elephant cage, don't believe your eyes."
participated in helping a test taker pass the Unified State Exam today )

What the hell good is the USE. We have a country of reports and indicators. My sister told me (she works as a teacher in a rural school) that in their USE the teachers pass and the pupils smoke. I mean, on the sidelines.

There is no point in her lying

Yesterday I watched a program on the USE. For some reason the pass rate for the USE is included in the regions' reporting. That is, if a region passes the USE well, then the region is good and the governor does a good job. So it turns out that the regions by hook or by crook make the figures of USE reporting good. That is the reason why in some regions the right answers have "floated away". That the right answers have "floated away" was admitted by the state official himself, who is responsible for the USE.
Today I took part in helping a test taker pass the Unified State Exam )

How did you do?

I'm walking from the shop now and there are maths cribs lying outside my school). You're taking maths today, aren't you?


How did it go?

Now I'm coming from the shop and there are maths cribs near my school). It's maths day, right?

ah I don't know, they called me and dictated the problem, went on the Internet, found the answers, dictated the answers and said thank you )

I didn't guarantee I'd get the answers right ))

I haven't done it myself, but the answers look right to me.

It's the teachers' problem, not the students'. The students will get through.

This is the problem of the parents of these students. The pupils won't get through. Prots. 20 will just die by the time they're 30. From alcohol. Do you know at what age they start boozing in the villages? And what they drink?

Prots. 30 will be working the shift. The rest +- % are candidates for the cops, EMERCOM, the army on extra duty.

That's life. Life in the backwoods


This is the problem of the parents of these students. The pupils won't get through. Prots. 20 will just die by the time they're 30. From alcohol. Do you know at what age they start boozing in the villages? And what they drink?

Prots. 30 will be working the shift. The rest +- % are candidates for the cops, EMERCOM, the army on extra duty.

That's life. Life in the backwoods.

))), I'm a native villager, I started drinking at 13, at 22 I gave up, I can't take it (only 1 to 2.5 beers on Fridays).

Only one of my class died. He hung himself in the army or was hanged.

There is no one in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, only one in the State Drug Control Service, and he has a mortgage

All the girls are married, living somewhere in the city. Each of them has two children, some have three.

For 9 girls, there were 6 guys + 2 who left after 9th grade.

Another one also works for a government agency, also has a mortgage.

One I haven't heard from in a long time.

i am the only one who is unemployed and without a care )

1. state drug control

2. works in a state institution

3. worker

4. a worker

5. worker

6. unemployed me )

ZS: The Russian people and not only the Russian is so adaptive to life situations that the worse it is, the stronger it is, as they say "What death to the Germans is good for the Russians".

ZZZY: we drink from class 9, it lasts until marriage, then either continue or quit drinking and drink only on holidays.