Interesting and Humour - page 1168


It's expensive - the price of diesel is high these days :)

HH: I can't think of any of my acquaintances who would even want to change over to a domestic car from an old foreign car, except for a semi-domestic one - Nissan or Renault made by Avtovaz

They just don't understand how beautiful a kopeck is in winter )

Well, well... have you looked at the prices of domestic cars lately? Google how much a Priora costs?

ZS: I think it is better to walk than to drive a domestic car again - very scary, safety first of all

What is there to google. Priora 450 rubles. What foreign car will you take for that kind of money? I mean a new one. And its safety is on a par.

It's not a bad car, it's worth the money.

A lot of people don't have a valuation these days. It's fashionable to badmouth it without knowing the true state of affairs.


What's there to google. A Priora for 450 roubles. What foreign car can you get for that kind of money?

Of the new ones, you can get a KIA Rio. From the second-hand Toyota Corola or Mazda 3. Any of those three cars will be better than a "new Priora". It is noteworthy that used cars in this segment are more reliable than the new Avtovaz creations.
Of the new ones, you can get a Kia Rio. Of the used ones, the Toyota Corola or the mazda 3. Any of those three cars are an order of magnitude better than the new priora. Remarkably, the used cars in this segment are more reliable than the new Avtovaz creations.

How is the rio better? Especially when you consider that it's naked for the money and the Priora is loaded.

How? Have you driven both cars?

sumkin75: How is the Rio better?

at least not timing belts tearing after 20,000, running gear not requiring repair after 5,000 (factory grenades), electric power steering not breaking

Well, if you are a fan of extreme - "got in the car and ... and did not go anywhere, call the garage," then charged domestic car for you, if you want a reliable car first of all - add 200 thousand and forget about the car repair shops for the next 70 000 - 100 000


)))), and how Dima has changed since then.


Here's another one: "You're a fool and your goat is a fool!"


From here (22nm technology from Intel; I counted about 30 rows of silicon atoms in the widest part of the gate, which is at the bottom):


The door was opened with a foot. A stranger walked into the kitchen, sat down without waiting for an invitation and declared:

- "It's a little uncomfortable in here. И... - He reached over, took a cup of tea, took a sip... I took a sip of your tea and it was rubbish. You should put more brew in it. And less sugar.

The landlord was dumbfounded by this pressure and mumbled:
- I like my tea so much... What's going on here, eh? To what do I owe the pleasure? Who are you?
- I've come to tell you that I'm not interested in you. Do you understand? I don't give a damn about you or anything else you got here. You've got nothing of interest here anyway. It's just pathos. Just a taste of it. Nothing more. This wallpaper is tasteless, this furniture.
- Introduce yourself first! Who are you? What are you doing in my kitchen?
- Here!!!! See!!!! There's that pathos again!!! You don't understand that I don't care about you and you're making remarks! I don't give a damn!
- Calm down, calm down. I understand you don't care.
- Don't tell me to calm down! You think you can piss me off? No way! You're inadequate! Don't get hysterical. All you've been told is the truth! That's my opinion! Do you understand?! When are you going to learn to respect other people's opinions?
- You know, maybe you should leave. We're not having this conversation.
- There! I was talking! Who are you to tell me whether to leave or not?
- But, excuse me, this is my flat.
- If you didn't want me to come in here, you'd lock the door! It's not locked. Your flat's not much of a flat, either. It's tasteless. I don't like your place. There's nothing to see.
- Wait! Why did you take my hat off my shelf?
- You should be thanking me! Your hat sucks. It's long out of fashion! If you didn't want your hat to be worn, you'd lock the door! I see! You should thank me for taking your hat.
- But... How... Put your hat back and get out of here!
- I don't give a damn about your hat! And I don't give a damn about you. You're nothing. You're a complete degenerate. And please, I'm leaving you. And no normal person will stay in your flat! Nothing to see! You're pathetic!

He got up, went out into the hallway and kept peeping at what was being done in the kitchen, occasionally shouting "Wretched!!! Stupid!!! Who smears a sandwich like that!!!!"