Interesting and Humour - page 1149


The collective unconscious, paradoxical as it may seem, employs a reduced socio-psychological factor, so similar laws of contrasting development are also characteristic of processes in the psyche. The wealth of world literature from Plato to Ortega y Gasset shows that empirical art history imitates artistic taste, something similar can be found in the works of Auerbach and Tandler. Loneliness illustrates the factorial biographical method, thus similar laws of contrasting development are characteristic of processes in the psyche. Art is, by definition, autonomous. Archetype, paradoxical as it may seem, enlightens neurotic structuralism, the same position was substantiated by J.Polti in his book "Thirty-six dramatic situations".

A change in global strategy naturally saves the product range relying on insider information. The ranking, according to Kotler, best accelerates the strategic systems analysis by understanding marketing as a part of production. The scorecard, according to Kotler, creates a strategic market plan based on the experience of Western colleagues. The point is that indirect advertising reflects the interpersonal CTR, working on the project. Raising the standard of living so far poorly synchronizes the sociometric exhibition stand, disregarding the costs. Media without regard to authority categorically attracts a market segment, gaining market share.


Source here (random intelligent thought generator).

Yeyes! Googleglass won't get through!

There's also a cool mole...


Robbery in English



Linux Kernel
Embedded systems
Development of operating systems
C/C++ or ARM Assembly
UML or Object Orientated Design
Automotive experience (ideally AUTOSAR)

You are welcome in Germany. Salary in the region of 50 euros per year.
Anyone interested?

Oh, thanks.

Robbery in Russian