Interesting and Humour - page 1145

There was a shipwreck. A beautiful young woman survived. She swam ashore. Two aborigines, a father and his son, come up to her. The father looks thoughtfully at the woman and the son tells him:
- Let's eat her, look how appetizing she is!
- No, son, we're going to take her back to our house and eat Mama!

Lenin is always alive, Lenin is always with you -
In sorrow, in hope and in joy.
Lenin is in your spring,
In every happy day,
Lenin in you and in me!

But if we abstract away from the Lenin association...

and substitute the name of the unknown person

then you get a competent zombotext ))

terrifyingly so

someone immortal, like koshaya, always accompanies you, makes you spring and has got inside everyone

by the way, the worm almost fits

Today is Lenin's birthday (it was the day I was accepted as a Pioneer).

Lenin lived! Lenin lives! Lenin will live on!

I was a pioneer too.


Man, it's time to get out of here

before the pioneers get their asses kicked


Man, it's time to get out of here

before the pioneers get their asses kicked

Don't worry.

1. A pioneer is loyal to the working class and communism.
2. The pioneer is a friend and brother to every other pioneer and Komsomol member.
3. The pioneer is honest and truthful. His word is like granite.
4. The Pioneer is disciplined.
5. The Pioneer helps his fellow labourers every day in building a communist society.
6. The Pioneer is industrious and respects useful work.
7. The Pioneer is pure in thought, word and deed.

Pioneer's customs.
1. A pioneer doesn't lie in bed in the morning, but gets up at once like a vanna.
2. Pioneers make their beds with their own hands, not those of others.
3. Pioneers wash thoroughly, not forgetting to wash their necks and ears, brush their teeth and remember that teeth are friends of the stomach.
4. Pioneers are precise and accurate.
5. Pioneers stand and sit upright without hunching over.
6. Pioneers are not afraid to offer their services to people.
7. Pioneers don't smoke; a pioneer who smokes is no longer a pioneer.
8. Pioneers don't keep their hands in their pockets; a pioneer who keeps his hands in his pockets is not always ready.
9. Pioneers guard useful animals.
10. Pioneers remember always their customs and laws.
11. A drunken pioneer disgraces the squad.

(P.P. Koltsov)


But if we abstract away from the Lenin association...

and substitute the name of the unknown person

then you get a competent zombotext ))

horrifyingly so

someone immortal, like koshaya, always accompanies you, makes you spring and has got inside everyone

by the way, the worm almost fits

Pure mantra, like everything else from that time. Fucking NLP...


Pervert's Movie Guide. Prequel. Inception.

Upd We need to get Sophie Fiennes in here, though.


New 'Residential Zone' sign