Interesting and Humour - page 1123



Where is it? And what happened?

I don't know, I found it on the Internet, with commentary.

....A police impound lot in Montenegro burned to the ground 765 cars and 142 motorbikes, and around 200 other vehicles were damaged in the fire.
Readmore here:

You don't need new roads, you haven't even finished the old ones.)
You don't need new roads, you haven't even finished the old ones.)
We put all the money for new roads into the pits, on your advice. Now we're waiting for it to grow. But it keeps getting shorter and shorter. You're a crook. Zigzag to you at .....

Alexander, a question for you as a bitcoin professional.

Bitcoins have lost 80% of their value in just one week. Can they have a negative value in the near future or will they not fall below zero and can they be safely scraped off the floor?

Gone somewhere. Probably went to buy a scraper.

That's not how you spell "happy" :)

Sorry, that doesn't seem to be Russia.



Where is it? And what happened?

I don't know, I found it on the Internet, with commentary.

....A police impound lot in Montenegro burned to the ground 765 cars and 142 motorbikes, and around 200 other vehicles were damaged in the fire.
Readmore here:


Walking down the street, a smiling woman stops me.

She says, "Hi, Seryoga! Don't you recognise me?"

I- "No..."

She- "I'm Larisa... don't you remember?"

I- "No ... I'm sorry."

She - "We went to school together."

I- "I remember. Hi! How did you recognize me? It's been decades."

She - "You're still the same... "You don't change. How have you been? How's yours?"

I' m all right. How about you?"

She - "Me too. My husband's got a job, my son's working too. Can you believe it's my birthday today?"

I- "Congratulations."

She - "And four banks texted me today. They wrote such nice words - Congratulations, Larisa Vasilievna, on your birthday, we wish you happiness, success and prosperity"

I- "Do you work in a bank?"

She - "No. In one bank I took out a loan for a cooker, in the other for a fridge, in the third for a monitor for my son, in the fourth for his fifth iPhone. I paid off all the loans a long time ago. And your family didn't congratulate me. But they congratulated me - they are kind, honest, unselfish and helpful people!

We parted and I wondered if she was being ironic or really happy...