Interesting and Humour - page 1113


From the text, it looks like both parties have found each other - the bank and the client have found each other.

If the wrong card, why sign for it?

Doesn't the application state what needs to be done?

The bank's rates for card transactions are closed to customers?

And if you don't trust banks, why does the money system even exist ... they asked for my passport ... i gave it to them ... they are honest :) They took a copy of my passport... ...they put them somewhere... It's not the money that hurts me...


It is good that bitcoins can be discussed here and it does not violate forum rules. Because it is not money, it is not an asset and not a stock exchange)))

But it's kind of embarrassing to spam your thread and open a new one...

A continuation of the Russian bank theme. Today's.

I go to the bank...

  • I said, "Can I change my dollar Visa card?"

  • She says, "Yes, but why do you need it?"
  • I said, "I've linked it to a lot of websites... "Paypal... facebook, I don't know where else... I just want to change the other three digits on the back of the card."
  • She's like, "You write an application."
  • I - "You better dictate it to me."
  • She - "Okay."
  • I - "Is it free?"
  • She says, "Yes, of course. Come back in two weeks."


Two weeks passed.

  • She - "Your card is ready. Here. Sign for it."
  • I - "Signed. I'm sorry to ask, but the old and new cards have the same number and the same three digits of CVV2 on the back. Are they actually different in any way? And another question - was it free of charge?"
  • She - "No, it's not free. You've been charged $15."
  • I said, "Thank you."
  • She - "You're welcome."
  • I - "But why would I want a duplicate card... "I wanted a different CVV... so no one can withdraw money online without me knowing..."
  • She - "Do you have a problem?"
  • I - "Yes."
  • She - "What is it?"
  • I - "Can I change my dollar visa card?"
  • She - "Yes, but why?"
  • I said, "I've linked it to a lot of websites... "Paypal... facebook, I don't know where else... I just want to change the other three digits on the back of the card."
  • She's like, "You write an application."
  • I'm like, "You better dictate it to me."
  • She - "Okay."
  • I - "Is it free?"
  • She says, "Yes, of course. Come back in two weeks."


Do Russian banks charge for the service in dollars?
Except that it's kind of embarrassing to spam your thread and open a new one...
Nah, it's fine, it's just like humour.)
Nah, it's okay, it's just like humor.)
I wish I had that kind of humor every day. In a year or so, I'd be a rich kid.
Do Russian banks charge for services in dollars?


I got upset after that interview about the slaves, etc. - But I didn't watch it all the way through and turned it off when they started discussing experiments with cats.



I got upset after that interview about the slaves, etc. - I didn't watch it till the end, though - I turned it off when they started discussing experiments with cats.

Just long-livers are not beneficial to any society. Of course, except for the long-livers themselves. Pension funds would definitely be an obstacle

The bad words aren't locked up


So it's about slaves... those who have $10 million can live forever. And have clones, for organs... And if those clones can be taught to feed themselves(like give them a piece of their brains), they will be slaves. So you and I won't be needed any more...

We're not needed. I felt sorry for the cats... so I turned off the TV in the middle of the interview.


Continuing the theme of wikipedia

there's a poll hereВикипедия:Опросы/ответные_действия_на_блокировку_страниц_Википедии_государством#.D0.9F.D1.80.D0.BE.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.B2_9

this is the answer

caution profanity