Interesting and Humour - page 1112


xxx: A cactus that's been sitting by the computer for 10 years has started giving out wi-fi.
yyyy: With so many external directional antennas it's not surprising. :-)
zzz: I underline - pointed ones. :) :)

Sinedd: Hello! What do you do?
skydreamer: Working, programming.
SiNedd: Why?
skydreamer: I'm just thinking: we're all perishable biomass that nobody wants. Without purpose, without future or present. Our life as well as our death will have absolutely no effect on anything and we are only needed in the universe in order not to disturb the natural course of evolution, which is not necessary for us and we do not control it. So I decided that I needed to do something that would distract me as much as possible from our worthless existence. And for me, that thing is work that nobody needs. And how are you doing?

Process under control )

Purchase (U)2201 RUR 47.2607 BTC104020.8007 RUR
If forced at gunpoint I would sell //now 78.2101 And in the evening either close or look further

Process under control )

Purchase (U)2201 RUR 47.2607 BTC104020.8007 RUR

It's good that bitcoins can be discussed here and it does not break forum rules. Because it's not money, not an asset, not an exchange ))))



waiting for bitcoin to rise

"mganga" is the name for bitcoin in one of the dialects of the Digital Tambourine tribe of East Africa

the big drum solo - Saneek Farseye


A continuation of the Russian bank theme. Today's.

I go to the bank...

  • I said, "Can I change my dollar Visa card?"

  • She says, "Yes, but why do you need it?"
  • I said, "I've linked it to a lot of websites... "Paypal... facebook, I don't know where else... I just want to change the other three digits on the back of the card."
  • She's like, "You write an application."
  • I - "You better dictate it to me."
  • She - "Okay."
  • I - "Is it free?"
  • She says, "Yes, of course. Come back in two weeks."


Two weeks passed.

  • She - "Your card is ready. Here. Sign for it."
  • I - "Signed. I'm sorry to ask, but the old and new cards have the same number and the same three digits of CVV2 on the back. Are they actually different in any way? And another question - was it free of charge?"
  • She - "No, it's not free. You've been charged $15."
  • I said, "Thank you."
  • She - "You're welcome."
  • I - "But why would I want a duplicate card... "I wanted a different CVV... so that no one would withdraw money online without my knowledge..."
  • She - "Do you have a problem?"
  • I - "Yes."
  • She - "What is it?"
  • I - "Can I change my dollar visa card?"
  • She - "Yes, but why?"
  • I said, "I've linked it to a lot of sites... "Paypal... facebook, I don't know where else... I just want to change the other three digits on the back of the card."
  • She's like, "You write an application."
  • I'm like, "You better dictate it to me."
  • She - "Okay."
  • I - "Is it free?"
  • She says, "Yes, of course. Come back in two weeks."



A continuation of the Russian bank theme. Today's.

Going to the bank ...

It's been two weeks.

  • She says, "Yeah, sure. Come back in two weeks."


15 quid is a lot of money.)



A continuation of the Russian bank theme. Today's.

Judging from the text - both parties are "in a good mood" - the bank and the client have found each other.

If it's the wrong card, why sign for it?

Doesn't the application state what needs to be done?

The bank's rates for card transactions are closed to customers?

Mischek:<br / translate="no">

15 quid isn't too much ))


That's the third time I've been today. Same thing.

It's, you know... I'm not very young... but a lot of young people are like little old men and old women - no muscle, no figure, and they don't go to the gym ... nothing ... I think that our government should give money to people when they turn 50: if you're 50, you get 50 million. And if you are 60 years old, you get another 60 million. And if you reach 100 - then 200 million. Just for nothing. As payment for the fact that we all look at them, we watch them on television and see how well-fed, beautiful, good and honest they are. We feel sympathy and empathize for them when they don't do well ... We all root for them...

When we go to the theatre, we choose the performance (and the theatre itself). But here we don't choose...

In short, the elite of society must pay a tax to the population.