Interesting and Humour - page 1109


Why are you so interested in my sprouts? :)

Well, if it doesn't grow back, we'll pull it back. All of us. As long as you say, that's how long.

check out the biddinghere.


You should check out the biddinghere.

Go away, 67 already. I told you, Andrew, and you said, "It'll grow back in a couple of hours."

It must have grown back inside. Anyway, we won't take as much off as you've had cut off. Go like this.



.....Walk like this .




Go away, 67 already. I told you, Andrew, and you said, "It'll grow back in a couple of hours."

It must have grown back inside. Anyway, we won't take as much off as you've had cut off. All right.

If you made a mistake, it doesn't matter if you lose, at Eurobucks they've been losing for months.)

I don't know what you're pulling off. ))


If you're wrong, it's all the same if you're wrong, eurobucks has been losing for months)

I don't get it, who are you going to drag off? ))

What you didn't grow
What you didn't grow

Why me? I'm not selling it) I sold it 3 days ago,

so you're obviously aiming at the wrong person.)