Interesting and Humour - page 1076


Who do you think this is?

The viewer sees in a photograph only what he or she is prepared to see in it.

You want to be sure of that? You're welcome.


"The level of delirium has exceeded the standard of living."

Contender: The viewer sees in a photograph only what he or she is prepared to see in it.
A strange conclusion. A plumber, like any normal man, is capable of seeing and appreciating a woman's charms. It's just that it's probably inappropriate to talk about it on a plumbers' forum.

At my house they have already started recording the forex analysts from one of the channels.

Talking about the dollar-yen (about Japan). The prediction is "trend continuation figure". And why was there such a movement in this pair? "Taxes, prostitution, under-recruitment in the army". :)

A strange conclusion. A plumber, like any normal man, is capable of seeing and appreciating a woman's charms. It's just that it's probably inappropriate to talk about it in a plumber's forum.
A normal conclusion in the context of the "man or woman in the picture" discussion.
Poor animal... and the remains are being mocked... what a world...

Участники картельного сговора, которые первыми явятся в правоохранительные органы с повинной, будут освобождены от уголовной, а также административной ответственности, сообщил глава Федеральной антимонопольной службы (ФАС) России Игорь Артемьев. Соответствующие поправки в ст.178 Уголовного кодекса РФ были одобрены сегодня на заседании правительства России

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I wonder if someone comes, tells everything and gives everyone away, and is told they are no longer the first? How do you know who is the first?